Save copper telephone lines!

EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network filed these comments to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in WT Docket 17-84 on why copper lines must be retained and maintained. The FCC is discussing “retirement” of the copper line telephone system.

1. Copper landline phones save lives.
Copper landlines work when the power is out, fiber optics don’t. In an emergency, with no power, no phone, and no 911 services, people will be at risk for life threatening situations. Who will pay the price for this aggressive push to end copper landline service?
People with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Low income people
Residents of rural areas
Hearing impaired
People who want a choice

2. Copper landline phone systems cost less. 
A fiber optic VOIP system requires internet service, computer, router, VOIP device, plus a phone. A VOIP system costs more to purchase, maintain, and replace worn out devices. A VOIP uses more electricity. A copper landline phone is simpler and more cost effective because it only requires a phone.

3. Cell phones are not safe substitutes for corded copper landline phones.
Independent peer-reviewed published science links cell phone radiation to the risk of adverse health impacts, including cancer.
The National Toxicology Program found an increase in brain tumors from exposure to cell phone radiation.
The BioInitiative Report reviewed 2000 peer reviewed published studies and found an increased risk of brain cancer from cell and cordless phone radiation.
Independent scientists who have published peer-reviewed studies warn about the safety risks of cell phones, cell towers and other devices that emit radiation.
IARC, an arm of the World Health Organization classifies cell phone radiation as a possible carcinogen.
Brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in children age 0-14


EMFSN logoEMF Safety Network’s mission is to educate and empower people by providing science and solutions to reduce EMFs, improve lives, achieve public policy change, and obtain environmental justice.

Peer-reviewed published studies link electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) and wireless radiation (RF) to health problems including:  fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. For a comprehensive review of the science go to and or read science abstracts here: shortcut-to-science.  For personal accounts of harm see this EMF Health Effects 2019 Survey.

If you think you might be having health problems from EMF’s please see this excellent resource written by Dr. Scott Eberle.

Studies show radiation harms nature and children are especially vulnerable. This handout includes links to science on RF effects on nature and this study recommends precaution for children.

Medical doctors advice precaution. In California and other states, prudent avoidance of EMFs is recommended public policy. Prudent avoidance means taking steps to reduce exposure. See California Department of Public Health cell phone advisory, New Hampshire 5G Final Report. 

Steps you can take to reduce EMF’s include using: corded (wireless off) internet; corded phones; and analog utility meters (remove smart meters).  And reduce cell phone use. Keep cell phones away from your body and away from children. Best to use cell phones for emergencies only. Set limits on computer and screen time, especially for children. Consider having your house tested for EMF’s. More ideas here: safety tips See also What are EMFs? brochure.

Here’s a short overview about “Our Wireless World” by Satya Giordano of

Read more intro, or scroll down to read our news.

For an excellent overview, including the science, watch the video below by Joel Moskowitz PhD. : “Health Hazards of Wireless Technologies: What do we know now?” recorded Sept. 25, 2024.

Overview of PG&E/CPUC emails on smart meters

SMARTtower100PG&E deployed over nine million utility “smart meters” on homes and businesses in California. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) supported the multi-billion dollar deployment despite lawsuits and complaints about overcharges, privacy and security risks, fires and explosions, and health problems from the electromagnetic radiation (RF) smart meters emit.

The CPUC is responsible for regulating the utilities to ensure safe and reliable utility service. Instead, they partnered with PG&E and marketing companies on a smart meter propaganda campaign. CPUC President Michael Peevey intentionally delayed the legal process for years so PG&E could complete their deployment, despite knowing smart meters were overcharging and harming customers.

Thousands of emails between PG&E and the CPUC made public this year, illustrate their collusion and corruption. Together they concocted a punitive pay to opt out program, and ignored substantive complaints. The CPUC must address these issues by holding safety hearings, and restoring analog meters without coercive fees.


Wireless Kills!

PastedGraphic-1-9Utility smart meters, wi-fi, cell and cordless phones, and other common devices emit wireless radiation.  The World Health Organization has classified wireless radiation as a 2B carcinogen, same as DDT and lead, based on studies linking wireless to brain tumors.

Wireless can also cause headaches, tinnitus, anxiety, insomnia, cognitive and heart problems, and more. Children are especially at risk.

The BioInitiative Report is a compilation of evidence by international doctors and scientists who evaluated thousands of studies.  They warn about cancer and other health risks from wireless technology and recognize children are especially at risk, because their brains absorb more radiation than adults.

Click on the following links for more reasons to take precautions to protect yourself and your family.

If you  have developed symptoms of electrical sensitivity (ES) learn how to reduce your overall exposure.  See videos and learn more about ES.

The “wireless kills” card can be downloaded and printed out.

Thanks to Zavier Cabarga for logo and card design.

San Diego Earth Day Fair

2013-04-21 23.59.09On Sunday April 21, Center for Electrosmog Prevention, Stop OC Smart Meters and the EMF Safety Network gathered at the San Diego Earth Day Fair to educate the public about health and environmental risks of EMF and smart meter exposure.

2013-04-22 00.00.10The booth next door to ours was a 350 campaign raising awareness about the oil pipeline and they had a cut out of Obama on their booth which stood right next to the smart meter opt-out sign. It was a nice match.

2013-04-22 00.10.23Only one person came to the booth to argue about safety of smart meters, and the risks of radiation.

Every other person was very interested in having their cell phone measured.  This gave people the opportunity to “hear” the sound of the radiation their cell phone emitted, even when they were not using it.  Android and Iphones seemed to be the worst emitters, with many emitting “pings” and some emitting a wi-fi signal.

And finally here was one fairgoer who was willing to pose for the camera. 2013-04-21 21.59.39

“Take Back Your Power”- a Sebastopol success!

IMG_3070Last night Josh del Sol, Canadian filmmaker presented his new film, “Take Back Your Power- The Smart Meter Agenda Unveiled” at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts in Sebastopol  CA.  About 160 people attended the event.

IMG_3069John Eder, Sebastopol City council member welcomed the crowd, introduced the film maker and moderated the discussion which followed the film.  The panel included Cindy Sage co-editor of the BioInitiative 2012 Report,  Michael Neuert EMF electrician, Take Back Your Power director, Josh Del Sol, and EMF Safety Network director Sandi Maurer.

Cindy Sage, co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, and EMF Safety Network advisor said,  “The campaign against smart meters is an international movement that started right here in Sebastopol!”

The event was a fundraiser for the film.  After expenses were paid, $2,600 was raised, with a pledge of more donations to come!  Josh del Sol expressed his tremendous gratitude for the support for the film. “I’m so grateful to the people of Sebastopol and to the EMF Safety Network for pre-screening this important film here.  The film is nearing completion and our intention is to share this empowering documentary with the world!”

Dave Hubert, local resident said, “The film, though 90 minutes long, had me glued!”

Three years ago one of the first smart meter forums was held at the very same building by Sonoma County Supervisor Efren Carrillo. At that time people were being forced to have the smart meters, and PG&E refused to remove them for people with health complaints. Much outrage was expressed.

This year comments and questions for the panel included why is this grid being rolled out worldwide; a local doctor said she is seeing many more patients with nervous system problems; and a suggestion was made to create a medical registry for people injured by EMF’s.

Network files CPUC protest and requests new judge

April 25,2011. Today the  EMF Safety Network filed a CPUC protest to PG&E’s Smart Meter opt-out proposal. In addition Network is requesting reassignment of the Administrative Law Judge , Timothy Sullivan.  Sullivan was the judge who parroted PG&E’s unsubstantiated safety claims and proposed dismissing our original CPUC application.

From the Protest Conclusion:

“PG&E’s application is an inadequate solution to serious Smart Meter problems that the Commission and California utilities have failed to address.  It is wrong to require ratepayers to pay to escape from threats to their health and ensure safety in their own homes.  PG&E’s proposed charges will be an unfair burden and will harm ratepayers.

The Commission should first order a Smart Meter moratorium, then modify PG&E’s requested relief to provide ratepayers safe and reliable utility service at reasonable rates.  The Commission should schedule evidentiary hearings on contested issues.  Network intends to participate in the hearings. The Commission should order PG&E to allow ratepayers to keep their analog meters or restore analog meters at no additional cost.  Ratepayers should not have to bear the financial burden for the failure of the Smart Meter program.