Utility companies around the world are replacing electric, gas and water analog meters with pulsed radiation smart meter networks, which are costing us money, privacy, and our health and safety.
Smart Meters, (also called AMI, or AMR) eliminate meter reader jobs and are part of the “Smart Grid”, which is an expensive wireless system installed on our homes, businesses, and in our environment that customers pay for. It’s being installed without informed consent and without full disclosure of how they work, and what they can do with the personal data they collect. Customers and the media report serious complaints about Smart Meters for the following reasons:
Cybersecurity threat
Former CIA director James Woolsey says the hacking vulnerabilities of the Smart Grid render it “a really really stupid grid”. Cyber security expert David Chalk says: “There is not a power meter or device on the grid that is protected from hacking – if not already infected – with some kind of Trojan horse that can cause the grid to be shut down or completely annihilated.”
Privacy invasion
Smart Meters are a surveillance device. They are a search without a warrant. They collect detailed energy usage, for instance: when you cook, watch TV, whether you are home or not, when you turn on a light, or if you have guests. This data is very valuable because it can reveal patterns about what you do and when. California utility companies admitted they are providing smart meter data to the government and third parties. More on smart grid privacy: Electronic Privacy Information Center
Health hazard
The World Health Organization classifies RF as a 2B carcinogen, same as DDT and lead. Military studies here show pulsed radiation can cause serious health problems, including tinnitus, memory loss and seizures. Thousands of studies link biological effects to RF radiation exposure, including increased cancer risk, damage to the nervous system, adverse reproductive effects, DNA damage, and more. The top public health official in Santa Cruz County California prepared this report, confirming Smart Meters pose a health risk. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) sent this letter to the CPUC calling for a halt to wireless smart meters.
Read about customers smart meter health complaints, which include sleep problems, headaches, nausea, anxiety, heart palpitations, tinnitus and ear pain, concentration and memory problems, dizziness, immune, nervous and hormonal system impacts.
Vulnerable groups include people with EMF sensitivities, medical implants, compromised immune systems, children, pregnant women, seniors and the environment! If you have a pacemaker PG&E warns you to stay 6 inches away from a Smart Meter.
Fires, explosions and burnt out appliances
Smart meter installations are causing fires, explosions and burnt out appliances in homes across the US Canada and Australia. See the shocking compilation of reports: Smart Meter Fires and Explosions
Cost increases
There have beenwidespread reports of smart meter billing overcharges. Smart meters are also failing and needing to be replaced. In 2010, PG&E reported over 43,000 Smart Meter problems of one kind or another.
Read customers Smart Meter Complaints about cost and other problems including interference.
How they work
Utility companies are using our homes and businesses for their microwave networks! The electric meter operates around 900 mhz and 2.4Ghz. It constantly transmits and repeats data from 500 +/- homes in a mesh network, which includes collectors which repeat signals back to the utility via cell towers. Depending on where your home is located within the mesh network will determine how much radiation your meter transmits. PG&E finally admitted that the electric meters send an average of 10,000 pulses per meter per day, at a peak power of 2 1/2 watts and a maximum of 190,000 per day! You can hear the constant pulses in this video below, and see the damage to the environment.
Smart Grid proponents are expecting consumers will install a Home Area Network (HAN) and new smart appliances. Installing the HAN will allow the utility company to further monitor your electric usage and control the grid, by turning off certain appliances during peak use time, as they need.
FCC Protection?
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF radiation safety standards are for short term thermal effects (5 and 30 minutes), and are configured for a 6 ft 2″ 200 pound male. The meters are assessed for safety compliance in isolation, not in a mesh network, in which they are designed to operate, or in combination with multiple meters, or other sources of RF, such as wi-fi, DECT phones, cell phones, cell towers, baby monitor etc. Sage Associates study found the meters can violate FCC safety guidelines in the manner deployed and operated. In addition the meters can also violate FCC safety conditions. The new FCC chairman is a wireless industry leader, Tom Wheeler.
Legal Efforts in California
The EMF Safety Network filed a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Application in April of 2010 asking for a moratorium on the deployment, public health hearings and an RF emissions study. In December of 2010 the CPUC dismissed the application even though no hearings were held in case. An appeal was filed in January of 2011. The CPUC denied the appeal and on July 11, 2012 we filed a lawsuit against the CPUC. In 2012 the CA court denied the lawsuit, without comment. The CPUC and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have rubber stamped utility safety claims that the meters transmit a few times a day at 1 watt.
The CPUC finally ordered Investor Owned Utilities (IOU’s) to allow customers to opt out of Smart Meters in 2012. However they are charging customers fees, calling the opt-out program a service. In Vermont customers can keep analog meters at no cost, and so can customers in Los Angeles, CA. The EMF Safety Network is fully participating in the CPUC opt out proceeding. Legal filings can be read here.
The EMF Safety Network started the campaign against smart meters in Sebastopol California in 2009. Are Smart Meters Smart? Today there are action groups throughout California, in many US states, Canada, Australia and Europe. Find one in your area.
Restore the analog meters: TAKE ACTION NOW!
Take Back Your Power is a full length documentary film on Smart Meters. You can watch it online (72 hour rental or purchase it). Click here to watch the film and/or see more film trailers.
The following is a partial list of California groups, lawmakers, counties and cities who have called for a moratorium, the right for consumers to opt out, adopted an ordinance banning meters, requested more research on health and safety impacts, or are opposing Smart Meters: Those listed in red banned the meters. The Utility Reform Network, CA State Senator Dean Florez, CA State Assembly members Jared Huffman and Bill Monning, the County Board of Superviors of Humboldt, Lake. Marin, Mendocino, Monterey , San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Sonoma, Tehama , Ventura, and the cities of Arcata, Belvedere, Berkeley, Blue Lake, Bolinas, Buelton, Calabasas, Camp Meeker, Capitola, Clearlake, Cotati, Fairfax, Fort Bragg, Goleta, Grover Beach, Lakeport, Marina, Mill Valley, Monte Sereno, Monterey, Morro Bay, Mt. Shasta, Novato, Ojai, Pacific Grove, Palo Alto, Piedmont, Richmond,Rio Dell, Ross, San Anselmo, San Luis Obispo ,San Rafael, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Sausalito, Scotts Valley, Seaside, Sebastopol, Simi Valley, Solvang, Thousand Oaks, Watsonville, Willits, and the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians, the Peace and Freedom Party, the Marin Association of Realtors, the Sonoma County Republican Central Committee, the SF Sierra Club, the Monterrey Green Party, the Alameda Greens, and the EMF Safety Network. In addition cities in the State of Maine and British Columbia Canada have passed resolutions calling for a moratorium on Smart Meters.
Smart Meter Package by Ronald Powell PhD. This document is intended for PEPCO customers, but with a little editing, can be used by all. Smart Meter Package Ron Powell
This 173-page report “Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal” by activist Nina Beety has extensive referenced information about many of the problems and risks of the Smart Meter program, with information from state, national, and international resources.
Apartment owners and managers: AOA Why “Smart Meters” Are Not Smart For You! Ellen and Tobie Cecil
The Dark Side of “Smart” Meters engineer Rob States
Smart Meter videos byEcological Options Network
Southern California Edison briefing by the co-editor of the Bioinitiative Report, RF expert Cindy Sage: Briefing Letter on Electric Utility Smart Meters
Joint Comments of the Center for Democracy & Technology and the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Energy Investment Forum, Building Green: Consumer Viewpoints on the Smart Grid PUBLIC CITIZEN
13 Fatal Flaws Sage Associates
Legal Challenge to Smart Meters by Judy Vick
Smart Meters and Smart Regulation by Steven Weissman UC Berkeley Law
Public Policy and Those Pesky Smart Meters by Steven Weissman UC Berkeley Law
Harmful Radio Waves- The Invisible Health Threat Of Wireless SmartMeters by Kate Bernier
NO Thanks PG&E , by Sandi Maurer
EMF Safety Network Smart Meter Questions
PG&E Answers to EMF Safety Network’s Smart Meter Questions
More Q and A with PG&E (this document includes PG&E’s responses regarding how often meters transmit RF, in 2-20 millisecond pulses, 45 seconds a day – (a second is 1000 milliseconds)
Smart meter SONGS
Dumb Meter Song (by Sandi, Chris and Anna Maurer): http://emfsafetynetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Dumb-Meter-Song071220111.mp3
Get Rid of Smart Meters (by Nina Beety): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IwvE_CPApw
Up until now there were only 2-choices if you wanted to avoid smart meter radiation: Opting Out (the utilities charge an extra service fee amounting to over $90.00 annually), or purchasing a cumbersome, custom fit, metal enclosure (difficult to install and often costing over $120.00).
Now consumers have one more level of protection from the potentially harmful radiation emitted by smart meters. The RF Meter Shield is a new patent pending smart meter cover design that is woven with a special blend of metallic materials which provide flexibility for easy installation on all smart meters. These proprietary materials aid in the containment and absorption of potentially harmful RF radiation & EMF radiation. The remaining RF radiation & EMF radiation is contained by the smart meter’s existing metal enclosure.
With the RF Meter Shield, protection from potentially harmful RF radiation & EMF radiation emitted by smart meters is only $29.95. The RF Meter Shield can reduces RF & EMF radiation by over 80 %, yet does not interfere with the utility company’s ability to communicate with your meter. It has a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee and a 5-Year Parts and Labor Warranty.
The RF Meter Shield is easy to install: Slip the RF Meter Shield over the smart meter’s glass/plastic globe. Internal elastic securely holds the RF Meter Shield in place. RF Meter Shield Model: SX1000418 fits all smart meter glass covers up to a 6.5″ diameter X 6.0″ long (all the smart meters currently manufactured). The elastic end of the RF Meter Shield can be rolled-up to snugly fit shorter glass covers (stays secure in wind gusts up to 110 MPH).
RF Meter Shield
And furthermore, I will lose my house because I was dizzy, nauseus and so weak everyday for six months I couldn’t take it anymore. I ended up in a psychiatric hospital because if you complain of symptoms but tests show nothing and you are at your wits end, you are the one with the problem. So, all roads lead to the same dead end!!! I don’t have kids but I bet nobody knew there baby monitors emitted ANY kind of frequency. Same with wireless phones we’ve had since the 90’s. That’s about when they came up with this Fibromyalgia diagnosis. First they cause it, then they come up with a name for it. Then they give you umpteen pills for it. Does it say “stupid” on my forehead? NO.
I can hear three different sounds coming from mine right now. I bought a house in December and since April I have been so dizzy, nauseas, and have a constant pounding on the left side of my face and head, that I lost 40 lbs. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in two years. I’ve been to the ER with symptoms of a stroke. By the time they get around to CT scan or MRI, the symptoms have dissipated. After three days in the hospital, dizziness, nausea gone, appetite back. Three days back home is all it takes to start getting sick again.
Try putting in soft earplugs, that’s when you’ll start to hear high-pitched squealing and low frequency pulsing and now something sounds like they are typing Morse code into my ear. And believe me, I have no hearing loss. Been complaining up the ladder. The more I complain, the more they layer noise on top of noise. I’ve cut the meter off the house and even then it continues. I’ve cut the main breaker at night and still hear noises. It’s so bad now, I wake up feeling like I have third degree burns over half my body. My nervous system is shot and my body makes almost constantly twitches.
Yep, two years of torture. My cats are continuously shaking their heads and scratching their ears and everyday I consider putting all four of us to sleep. Without restful sleep, quality of life is nothing, pointless. So if that is their goal, I am happy to oblige them. It’s all good unless it’s happening to you and yours!
Thank you for creating this site to inform the public about this! I’m a health care professional–these things aren’t good for you just because they can’t be seen…Most people don’t know about this. I didn’t know about it either until I researched it more.
As a radio amateur I would not use my radio transmitters with aerials in my house because I don’t want to be too close to the radio frequency waves. I run low power, 6 Watts maximum with outdoor aerials.
I do not have a mobile phone either. I don’t want R.F. that close to my head. If I had one it would be for essential calls only then switch it off after. Not use it for half an hour as I see people doing.
In the 70’s we had Gunn Diodes for use at 10 GHz, only 10 mW but with a dish aerial to concentrate the power in one direction which effectively boosts the power in that direction. We were warned to not look into the dish at close range when transmitting because it could damage your eyes, get it into the air away from people. So the dangers of close range R.F. have been known for a long time.
Bill, G4GHB.
Hello, thanks so much for this thorough article. Maybe I missed it, but do “smart meter shields” help? I read about them here: https://emfacademy.com/smart-meter-shields/
I have been fighting them putting a smart meter on my place for weeks now. They tell me I have to have it or my water will be turned off, they even put the notice on my door.
Read all the bad things of smart meters and it makes sense why I have been sick for several years when I stopped working and was home all the time it really got bad. I have EMF sensitivity and they want to add more, now way. I will continue to fight. City counsel told me I had to prove the smart meter put out radiation, the idiots voted to put the meters in without knowing what they do, I told him it was on at least 4 pages of theirs that were giving to me AFTER I said no. Naturally all their back up data was saying smart meters are safe. My foot, I have now done so much research on them that now I know why I have been ill for all those years.
First off, please understand, whether your meter is read manually, or remotely, ALL electric meters manufactured today regardless of the brand, are digital meters. Mechanical dial meters are no longer being produced, so eventually as the existing mechanical meters stop working, you are going to get a digital meter. It may not be “smart” meter, which is defined as a two-way communication meter, but it will be digital. Analog mechanical meters had a 100 year run, and are now going the way of the dinosaur.
Thank you so much for details.
We are going to start the process of getting the Oregon Public Utility Commission to take up this issue of smart meter emfs in earnest. Right now those meters are approved and being installed city wide. A phone call to the PUC has the response of “we did not see any Federal study showing that they are unsafe or any agency saying they are unsafe” so we proceeded. When asked to clarify the responder backed off those statements and I’ve emailed the PUC to gain clarification about the studies they relied upon. Likely it’s just not an issue, period, so no red flags requiring any further study or investigation was required.
We don’t want to appear to the PUC like people wearing colanders on our heads worrying about messages from outer space even though we know the EMFs are a real health hazard. It’s not us we need to convince, it’s the decision makers. Thanks. Please send links to studies we can use to support our case.
RF signals are relatively low frequency, some are good and a lot can cause usually slow (slight but significant accelerated aging), but sometimes fast DNA, RNA, tissue damage. Add a high energy pulsed and high frequencies, especially certain frequencies and significant damage can occur.
Quantum waves at specific frequencies (Rife-Nelson) and specific carried frequencies can help test/heal and more importantly, when an AI computer full of the frequencies of tested for body part damage and the AI database has listings for the frequencies of herbs, prescription drugs and other frequencies found with research, then the tested for frequencies can tell MDs to do further testing if necessary and help choose prescription drugs, herbs, surgery et al, to work on specific illnesses.
My frequency medical device doctor found gallbladder damage and a hernia with a quantum medical device and told me to get to a good clinic and hospital. I did and I am still here.
The medical system quantum wave and RF wave power levels are intentially kept low on modern medical systems, and the usual system is to not use pulses.
Povlof worked for Stalin, and his desired research frequencies, did the opposite, harmed body tissue. He did also find some good frequencies, but the smart meter system, to my knowledge, has not be so thoroughly tested as the Rife-Nelson medical devices.
And to clarify, if certain Quantum wave frequencies are not excluded, they can act as carrier waves, over very long distances and penetrate through just about any gas/solid and the carried frequencies can also piggy back on other transmission systems.
It is better now to use federal grants and rate payer’s money to buy cleaner high efficiency ~$19mw -hr combined nature gas-steam turbine generators along with other cleaner power systems….not smart meters.
Stop using the smart meters until the extensive Rife-Nelson medical device type FDA reviewed testing has been done.
Is there central group or resource I could contact to find out law/bill details of other states opt out program ? I have a state rep who is interested in crafting a consumer opt out bill for our state ( NH).
My power company promised to let me opt out.
JEA Power. Jacksonville Florida.
Today without warning, except a knock on the door, they replace my pulsing, local receiver smart meter with a satellite two way transceiver smart meter.
I told the techs and to not put the new smart meter as, my family was exposed to powerful pathogens in a terrorist incident.
For 10+ years, I was treated with research immune shots and also with a medical frequency system, approved by the FDA, which uses “good” frequencies to identify 9000 NBCSRD items and suggest prescription drugs, herbs, minerals, vitamins and diet changes to discuss with doctors.
The medical frequency systems are designed to show NBCSRD Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Stressors, RADIATION, and Deficiencies with Quantum Waves, and artificial intelligence which in part, works with data bases of medical information.
The smart meters are interfering with the good frequency medical systems. My really rough estimate is that with the highly Rife-Nelson advanced quantum medical system, our community could lower average medical cost say 25 to 35%. My hands started shaking as soon as the new smart meter was installed. I have never had this had shaking problem. I did have seizures in 1982, when poisoned with pathogen.
As JEA put more and more intense smart meters in my neighborhood, my health improvements reversed.
JEA techs rapidly moved to the meter box and replaced the meter.
They said that I could set up a meter box about 20 feet away but money is scarce this year and your sit say over 1000 feet. Also they said that they could cut my power line feeders wires. I said go ahead and went inside to start making calls over broken promises.
Over the time period on installing and changing smart meters, I have noted that the JEA techs and managers have moves from cooperating on removing incinerators and helping customer to now being more stubborn and almost stoic. I assume that they all have smart meters.
Additionally our murder rate have increased, with people blaming the mayor and sheriff even though they are working harder and putting more money in crime prevention and crime fighting. Many other crimes are dropping slightly.
About 47% of our students are dropping out of state sponsored colleges in Florida.
The list of mental and physical problems are increasing in the community. Homeless etc.
We rapidly need research to look and connect diseases to causes.
904 564-2620
I am looking seriously at solar cells and a generator….and no smart meter.
My power company promised me op out and now the tech say they have cancelled the op out this week. So much for agreements by phone calls and hand shakes.
Found them change my meter to the lasted smart meter. I and calling politicians now and prices solar cells and generators as I shake with neurological problems.
This is the same power, water and sewage system which agreed to test for agent orange and shut down sewage sludge incinerators and did so.
Maybe this new bunch were the first to get smart meters. Z o m b i e s?
Chemical, Electronic, Radio and Computer Engineering in 10 states and 12 foreign countries.
Good Bad and Ugly
It’s the bad frequencies that cause health problems….especially the lightly restricted data train and the digital power supplies which can be almost ANY frequency within a range. These frequencies are picked up and retransmitted with satellite et al quantum frequencies of “carrier waves transporters” like nutrinos that can pass through the earth without stopping. So you are blocking them with the best radio shielding? Some improvements but not enough.
I prefer the mechanical electrical-water-gas meters (no wi-fi radio system unless the customer buys one) but even the “smart meter” design can be massively improved.
Every city, county or state should build their own fiber optics internet system and make money two ways: internet availability to sell to customers (don’t put ATT Comcast et al out of business with too low pricing) and also connect a low speed cpu, a 60hz notch filter analog power supply and NO SATELLITE signal, often highly body penetrating quantum wave system. Also having wide range digital power supplies and unrestricted data trains often have quantum frequencies.
Pavlof the USSR, studied some good frequencies and a lot of bad frequencies which cause health problems.
Dr. Royal Rife MD, Dr Bill Nelson and other researchers studied mainly good frequencies that destroy NBCSR items. It is usually much more effective to test for the health degrading NBCSR and send the suggested possible cures to MD’s et al antibiotics, herbs, diet additions, diet restrictions which are found with FDA approved systems, which can test for up to 11,000 items. But the first rule of good health is AVOIDANCE.
N= nuclear atoms which can be good (example calcium) or bad (example radon gas or say arsenic).
B=biological (TB, plague, new versions of polio and other pathogens from central America et al.) We closed Ellis Island NY type immigrate and traveler pathogen testing centers.
C=Chemicals, toxic. These can be external toxins’ or endotoxins which are expelled from radiation or other pathogen killing means.
Exotoxins cause Hexheimer reactions, headaches, cancer inductions by suppression immune systems and/or detoxification systems.
S=Stress causing reactions like Hexheimer reactions or accidents by radiation et al zombized people who have accidents. Is the murder rate up in your community? It is in mine as the newer type sm’s arrive.
D=Deficiencies or minerals, vitamins or needed foods.
R=Radiation…well you know from reading this site.
Good: people are waking up.
Bad: the amount of radiation exposure is increasing exponentially.
UGLY: PEC and other power company personnel are being zapped more that the rest of us and seem to be more zomized….loss of common sense.
for what it is worth, I am an multiple discipline engineer, medical training and I have installed artificial intelligence computer, special radio systems with controlled frequencies…radiological warfare systems intended to counter our enemies systems. Guess what they look like……
Approximately 35,000 doctors and their patients mainly out sided the USA, know about this situation so it is the biggest know secret in the world. Wonder why people have trouble checking candidates background and platforms and just sling hatred.
Persist in long and loud complaints to the utility.Think- the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Meanwhile buy a shield like smart meter guard and cover it. https://smartmeterguard.com
See take action ideas here: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/action-now/
See this page to contact groups in WA http://emfsafetynetwork.org/smart-meters/action-now/find-smart-meter-websites-in-your-area/
I have contacted PUD of Snohomish county in WA State. They told me they don’t even have the analogue meters anymore. This was after I asked them to remove it due to heart palpitations, dizziness and weakness. I also had heart surgery and I am emf sensitive. The meter sits about 25 feet from my daughter’s bedroom. What do I do now? Thank you
Terrific idea!
Is it mandatory to have this installed. I keep on telling them the owner is not home.
They are doing this in Niles ohio..and if you don’t get it ..they will turn off your water and electricity for failure to change…this is not right !.
We need help in Niles …
There are different types of EMF that can be measured and different meters needed. Analogs emit magnetic fields, and they are higher in those fields than smart meters. Smart meters emit radiation in powerful bursts, and create dirty electricity. Smart meters are more harmful, but people should not sleep next to analog meters either.
I borrowed an emf meter from local library and measured the emf emitted by different meters.
The traditional analog meters emits a constant emf level from 700 to 1000. The smart meter I tested emits 10. This suggests the old meters emit more emf than smart meters.
Has anybody tried to mesuare the emf? What did you find?
I was told that, for traditional meter, emf is amplified in order to get a measurement. For digital meter, it doesn’t have to. If this is true, smart meter is way better than old analog meters.
Smart meters are a much easier type of device on checking the electricity at home.
Anyone know of a Roku player or other streaming device that you can turn the wifi off when you use it as a wired device. Many seem to not turn the wifi off even though you are using it wired.
They collect detailed energy usage, for instance: when you cook, watch TV, whether you are home or not, when you turn on a light, or if you have guests.
It’s called EXTORTION!! and is all supported by the utility commissioners and public officials who are there to protect and serve the corporation and their pay check. We are living in the Twilight Zone on steroids. The corruption is staggering
on 7-06-2018 approx. 2300 hours, the smart meter behind my mothers house exploded and caught fire to her house, destroying everything she owned and killing three of her cats. just by fluke was she not at home sleeping that night, at that time. The first thing the fire marshal investigation report says is that there was no meter , it was completely empty. the meter box is in police evidence because the power company wanted to come take it after they capped off the wires. hopefully there is some justice, but more so, hopefully they get a grip on the “convenience” of technology and fix this problem before it gets bigger.
If under EMP restoration, power was returned the smart meters would need to be replaced for power to your home.
We received Smart Meters Without being told until after the fact November 2017 in USA. Here it April 2018.
My bill has tripled.
Everything describedticle makes sense now & it’s me 100% true.
I’ve always had low pain I can tolerate it, it’s increased badly cannot tolerate it, my fiancee his pain has increased, always sick never in 44 years has he been sick.
The constant buzzing in my left ear it’s hard to sleep at night.
Other health issues has increased as well.
Our Government is fully aware of Smart Meters otherwise it wouldn’t be approved.
Alaska is set to have Smart Meters installed, family member was speaking about it.
Vermont, LADWP and Eugene Oregon have free opt out or opt-in. This is a few years old now, but has lots of info on what other countries are doing http://emfsafetynetwork.org/advocacy-support/emf-and-rf-world-concerns/
Does anyone know which countries daid ‘no’ to the smart meter, made it the individuals’ free will or took other precautinary steps to reduce the wireless impact on children, sick or elderly. Would be so grateful for solid information on this!
I am unaware of groups in Klamath Falls. These are groups in Oregon.
Please sign up for our emails. That way you can be informed of how to take action when needed.
Are there any groups in the Klamath Falls area in Oregon? Or any reasonably close, I would be willing to help in any way I can. Thank you,
Roxanna Fragassi
Klamath Falls, OR
Smart meters were installed in my neighborhood yesterday. The card attached to my door says “Dear Customer…Be assured that the smart meter technology being implemented has been rigorously tested and proven by manufacturers to be accurate, safe and secure in systems throughout the country.” Radio frequency radiation has never been “proven” to be safe. Also consider that it’s not just the meter on your home. It’s all the meters within a wide radius of your home that are communicating with a central system somewhere. Also add the number of cell phone calls, satellite transmissions, and tower transmissions that pass through our bodies 24/7/365. Smart meters are simply adding to the density of the electro-smog to which we are subjected. At frequencies and intensities that did not exist just a few years ago. Nobody has ever proven that this is safe. Ever. I think the closest to this that anyone can honestly state is that we have not found a causal connection between a specific source of radio frequency radiation and a health disorder. This document is said to have been produced by the “FirstEnergy Communications and Marketing Department.” American Cancer Society seems much more cautions with their post on the subject. “https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/smart-meters.html “
its so insane to have smart meters in our communities cause it is the cause of radiation. replace smart meter with solar panel cause solar panels are way more ecofriendly than smart meters. i do think smart meters should be banned completely. what if analogs are ecofriendly?
Does anyone have knowledge of any movement or groups in Florida for removing smart meters?
You are misinformed.
Total lies….I am a ham radio “Extra” class (the highest license available) and the rf emitted by smart meters is WAY below what is emitted by the cord on your vacuum cleaner and CERTAINLY WAY less than what is emitted by the leakage of your microwave oven which is at a frequency that will heat liquid molecules. There may be other nefarious reasons to “opt out” but it is NOT RF emissions. BY the way….if you want lower rates then you sure as hell don’t want a live body to come on your property (a far more encroachment to your privacy than a receiver that’s getting reports from your smart meter on your power usage) that is being paid by YOU to read your meter. You have RF all around you every day….cell phone, wifi, radio station towers, electric transmission lines and ALL of the wiring in your home and plenty more. The amount of rf you get is so small your body doesn’t even know it. johnny cochran died from cell phone usage when cell phones were allowed to emit 5 watts and you held the antenna close to your head. He was constantly on the phone (analog) and it was constantly transmitting unlike the newer digital phones which are only allowed by law to emit .6watts. But it took years of using his phone nearly against his head all the time. The notion that the rf from a smart meter is harmful unless you sleep next to it every night is preposterous. Sorry but the author of this article knows nothing about rf…no offense but those are the simple truths.
Connect with others in Sac https://sacsmartmeters.wordpress.com/contact-us/
…”stipulated” regulations …
Thank you..
Ahh, I follow your reasoning. Potentially an unarguable defense of personal rights and self condemning if not they refuse to comply or adhered to stimulated regulations and codes. Nice, We’ll look further into it…
I believe your utility is the one to go to find that info. If they do have rules or guidance about meter placement you can use it against them!
Really, your referring me a company whose vested interest is in direct opposition to compliance of any nature contrary to misinformation… no thanks..
You might call SMUD and ask to see their installation rules about placement of utility meters.
Iam in Sacramento,California. Is there a law against placement of smart meters against bedroom walls or a regulation code that restricts the location of these meters?
Vicki, what was the outcome? PI’m in Cincinnati and we have been fighting the damn meters since 2011.
I live in Knoxville, TN. We have “opt-out” and I was on the list for refusing smart meter. Sent the certified letter to CEO, put notices up next to the meter and put a locked bar across the front of meter. From July 2016 to Nov 2016 I was threatened with disconnection with letters, phone calls and visits. I got a letter stating they were going to remove my locked bar and change my meter. I had friends staying at my house also. Two men came to my meter (not the door), went back to their vehicles, which had no markings, and started back toward my meter with a drill in their hand. I was standing at back of house and they did not see me until I told them to get away from my meter. They acted like they were looking at the neighbor’s box and left. The next day a man from KUB (Knoxville Utilities Board) came and told my friends outside that if I did not remove the bar that they would be back with the police or disconnect my service. Two days later, two workers, a man in a suit and a police officer came. The police officer did most of the talking. I informed him that this was a civil issue not a criminal matter. He said that if I did not let them replace my meter they were going to disconnect my service. I told him that that was between them and me. I explained to all of them that my house is an older house with older wiring. I told them that my home owners’ insurance would not cover any damage to my home as a result of a fire/explosion from their cheaply made plastic component piece of crap meter, that there were thousands of these meters being recalled because of fires, that there were numerous counties in CA that had banned these meters altogether and I was refusing their meter. They tried to tell me that they were mandatory. I told them that they were NOT mandatory that the gov’t said that they were to request if their customer would like the meter and I would not. They then tried to tell me that I would have to accept the digital radio-off meter which was not the smart meter. I told them that I did not want that meter for the same reason that if they wanted to sign a piece of paper stating that they would be liable for any damage as a result of the meter starting a fire then we could discuss installation. They said “No way” to that. They had a meeting in my yard. The police officer came back and said that they would be in touch with me and that he was just there to keep the peace. I told him that I did not know why because I had never threatened anybody. They left. The next day when the house was unoccupied they installed a smart meter. Evidently, they had been stalking my residence waiting on everybody to leave. That was the most underhanded, deceitful, dirty, rotten way to conduct business. So, I have ordered an analog meter, have sent certified letter to CEO giving them 14 days to put analog meter back, which I know they will not do, and will call an electrician to have it put on myself. Then it will be my property not theirs. So wish me luck. Don’t know what will happen.
By the way, when I came in the night they installed that DAMN thing, I felt as if my skin was crawling. It was all I could do to not go outside and smash it with a baseball bat. I have had awful headaches, ringing in ears, hand numbness, insomnia and loss of appetite since they installed that piece of crap on my house. My house is only 868 sq ft so there is not any place I can really get away from it. Only good thing is that it is not outside my bedroom wall.
Looks like the Rothschilds found another way to ruin our lives?
Your item looks great and its extraordinary that it’s minimal effort. Would regard have a short video exhibiting its viability. The shield won’t decrease the messy power, yet I can consider numerous circumstances where it would be valuable. Much obliged!
It truly should fumes to be all out useless washouts lie all of you. Continually thoroughly considering the world is to get you. Imagine that another person is in charge of your lives being negligible
Document Evidence with laptop and SDR tools.
Spread this Truth and DESTROY THESE CEO’s for Personal IResponsibility and danger to the public.
If the power company can’t give power without HEALTH problems, it isn’t a POWER company anymore!
Change the LAW (what a few words on paper) to stop these health problems!
Otherwise I don’t see how equal opposing force wouldn’t be a fair response. Look at the weasly way they put them UP!
I would NULLIFY anything otherwise if asked to SERVE on a JURY. These bastards will BURN if I have anything to say.
I think they ask those questions because if you do you can qualify for discounts. And they have nothing to do with opting out.
As of April 19, 2016 PG&E won’t let people opt out of the Smart Meter program unless they tell PG&E whether or not they operate life support or other sensitive medical equipment in their home.
I suspect they are not within their legal right to force people to reveal this information in order to opt out, and I hope someone will look into the matter.
PS: I just opted out today. Feels really good. Wish I hadn’t put it off for so long.
True and no one should sleep next to the analog meter. But analogs are safer than smart meters. They are not a fire hazard; they don’t explode; they can’t track detailed usage of energy; are not a privacy risk; and they can’t be hacked. They are also better quality made and last decades longer and cost a fraction of the price.
hmm. no one commented that the analog meters works on electro-magnetism? the signal generated would be low frequency that easily penetrate walls. there will be no pulse but will have long continuous effect for as long as the meter is spinning
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Looks like we might be about to win.
It really must be EXHAUSTING to be total worthless losers lie you all. Always thinking the world is out to get you. Think that someone ELSE is responsible for your lives being meaningless. How do you get through it?
This commenter “Albert Einstein” is from http://rocketscience.com/ They specializes in PR, including PR for smart grid. I’ve allowed this comment to illustrate how paid shills are trying to influence people.
You people are nuts! You will spend the rest of your natural days on earth believing in conspiracy theories. When you die the earth will still be rotating on its axis the same way it always has and there will be NO scientific proof that Smart Meters ever harmed anyone.
The same people who believe this conspiracy nonsense are buying the enquirer and other rag mag tabloids, they believe they have been abducted by aliens, and are convinced the world will end any day now, which if it does smart meters won’t matter..
Smart meters produce 170th the emission your cell phone or wireless router for intranet does, TV or microWAVE does. The smart meter communicates a total of 4 seconds a day at one second per transmission. If you don’t like your smart meter, call your electric company and ask for a analog meter, PG&E does this. You will pay for it but at least you and all your paranoid friends won’t go to bed with aluminum foil wrapped around your heads at night. It is absurd to believe the Utility companies are spying on your electric needs. You think they will find out they you use more electricity at 2:00 AM when you do your laundry because you can’t sleep thinking the utility company is spying on you. Most people’s electric Bills go down 12% because they have fast access to their usage history and can modify their usage or use electricity during the less expensive tiers. You can do this on your computer while your wifi router is producing a transmission 170 times greater than your smart meter. You know I heard Smart Meters will be the cause of the Zombie Apocalypse! haha
Texas has a state-wide Opt-Out. Did you get the policeman’s name and badge #? I’ve been told you could have a civil court case.
P.S. Oncor also threatened to cut off my electricity, knowing I had a sick 82 year old mother with Parkinson’s and advanced Alzheimer’s. I am now working to toward living off grid in a rural area with few restrictions. But even so, some areas are making it illegal to NOT be hooked up to utilities. Large fascist corporations and their CEOs are eventually going to have to be, and will be, totally crushed.
I live in Dallas, TX and resisted having the smart meter installed. Oncor finally called the police to force me to let the Oncor employees on to my private property and stood there in my back yard while they forced me to have the meter installed. There was only one policeman initially but he called for “backup” I guess. I’m in my sixties. The policeman admitted he didn’t know why he was there. You’d better believe the utility companies have an agenda to control every aspect of our life. A lot of them, like Oncor, are partially or fully owned by the big internationalist banks and that pretty much says it all. It’s easy to hammer the nails sticking up because there are so few of us.
This Is George and Joy in Quitman, Mississippi. East Mississippi Electric Power Association has turned off our power from the transformer and disconnected the line because we refused a Landis and Gyre Smart Meter and had our own new analog L and G ez- read meter installed in place of a defective digital meter that was not reading correctly Sunday evening. After much debate we decided to have our meter installed beacuse we did NOT want to steal power from the power company. Our power has been shut off for installing our own meter and padlocking it. We pay our bills. A certified letter had already been received to EMEPA who has blatantly disregarded its content. We are now being accused of tampering and stealing power by Bryce Nester, head of their “automated meter initiative” “AMI” for replacing their defective digital meter with a working analog meter to provide a proper meter reading. We are prepared to go off the grid if necessary , thus we do not believe they care, especially about one customer. I, George, suffer from OCD, anxiety, and minor PTSD. Bryce Nester did not order the defective meter to be removed until Wednesday leaving their own meter in so we could use power without paying. Before crew left Sunday evening, we offered to provide our new analog meter but they refused and we again said no to the smart meter. We did not feel right, legally, and ethically about turning our breakers back on since the meter was not reading correctly, so between Monday and Tuesday, our analog meter was installed in place of the EMEPA digital meter. After analog meter was installed we turned breakers to property back on and everything was fine. Now we our being punished by the EMEPA for NOT stealing power and they have threatened us by saying it was meter tampering and stealing power by installing our own meter. A sherriff deputy was called in as a witness but for what reason we don’t know. We were told it was for them to have a witness. (not sure that’s true, came heavily armed) but didn’t take sides, which was nice. The crew on the other hand from EMEPA was disrespectful to both of us, our property, and has no regard for those who already suffer the from health related issues mental or physical. We are asking for yalls help to fight this and start voicing in Mississippi about how EMEPA are treating their customers. Please help. EMEPA main office is in Decatur, MS. We documented the incident and power shut off via video on our cellphone. We believe we are being treated inhumanly. This situation has caused even more anxiety for myself and Joy. We stood up to the utility company, now what? please Help? Thanks.
“Take back your Power”
George and Joy
Your product looks good and its great that it’s low cost. Would be good to have a short video demonstrating its effectiveness. The shield won’t reduce the dirty electricity, but I can think of many situations where it would be useful. Thanks!
We feel this site provides vital information regarding the dangers of smart meters and have therefore placed links to your website from our website.
We would like to introduce you to a new low-cost product that helps protect consumers from Smart Meter radiation. The RF Meter Shield. More information about our new product can be found on our website: http://www.rfmetershield.com/.
If you feel this innovative product will benefit your customers and affiliates, we would appreciate passing this information along by placing a link to our website on your site.
Thank you,
RF Meter Shield
Email: customerservice@rfmetershield.com
RE: SMART METERS IN COG (Councils of Governments) & CoG governed com-munities Q. In communities that have rewritten their laws, zoning, ordinances, reso-lutions, and notices and adopted COG or CoG ‘command and control’ central planning Comprehensive Planning governance (using environmental sustainability as the reason) according to ICC (International Code Council) provisions, rules, and regulations, are private property owners obliged to accept smart meter and EMS monitoring and control of the use of water, fuel, communications, & any ground resources they may have on their property? Are there fact sheets on how to identify them?
Dear Amy Yip-Kikugawa and Manisha Lakhanpal, advisor to Michael Peevey’s,
Please consider protecting at least households with children and elderly from PG&E intimidation and tactically forced installation of risky smart meters on our or our community members’ houses.
We should not have to pay for technology that has not been proven safe for our health, neither individually nor in aggregate as taxpayers. But we have done so, complied and paid the initial $75 set up fee and since years every month our $10 fee for the opt out program. Yet we still receive letters from PG&E threatening us with statements that “we may have to discontinue your gas-service.” We feel this is unfair and amounts to harassment.
Please send a strong message to PG&E to stop, since this violates good faith policy and undermines the democratic process. We have participated in public hearings, gave our testimonies and heard from many people that were physically harmed by smart meters. Yet these testimonies seemed to have been ignored and safe alternatives are not being considered. Instead, we wish to invest individually and as taxpayers in access to safe renewable energy to serve our household’s energy needs.
Science provided us with information on health risks associated with technologies creating electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic fields already decades ago and evidence is only growing among scientists and the public around the world. I have attached some information for you, including: the Bio-Initiative Summary and Report 2007; a list of scientific findings on health effects from radiofrequency radiation at low-intensity exposure including ‘Smart’ Meter RF Intensities; and the recent 2014 review of the BioInitiative Working Group of the Preliminary Opinion on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields dated November 29, 2013. Please undertake an appropriate risk-assessment procedure for smart meters.
And if you feel you have done so, consider protecting at least households with children and elderly on the basis of the precautionary principle. The United States has signed international law on the applicability of the precautionary principle and has implemented precautionary measures in many areas of public policy. The precautionary principle or precautionary approach to risk management states that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is not harmful, the burden of proof that it is not harmful falls on those taking an action.
We hope you choose not to let PG&E intimidate or tactically force installation of risky new smart meters on our or our community members’ houses. Let’s keep at least our neighborhood and homes safe for our most vulnerable members, our children and elderly.
Antonich family in San Francisco
How long do we have to live in fear that our house will be the next fire? How do we stop the greedy Hydro Companies from bleeding us dry monetarily?
Start by calling and asking them to remove the smart meter and replace with the analog. If that does not work, find a group in your area- see this page- http://emfsafetynetwork.org/action-now/find-smart-meter-websites-in-your-area/
and work with others towards change. Also see this page:
I did not this was going on, I just remember that my bill was getting higher so I called the electric company to come and check it,so they did and said that It was too old (the analog meter) that I needed a new one they said they would change it at no cost to me,so now I’m thinking they high rocket my bill so they can install this new crap in my house, I have bee suffering with. Headaches,nausea. And now that I have this darn”smart reader” what can I do to stop sending these waves or for the electric company to take it off or cover it with something meanwhile, ca any body advice on that please
Yes and yes. the electric meters are constantly transmitting, and the gas and the water are also transmitting, maybe gas not as much, but it’s all polluting the environment, and there’s no accountability for the safety.
My gas and water usage are being monitored and billed remotely. Does this mean that there are smart meters attached somewhere, even though I can’t see them?
If so, are the smart meters that monitor gas and water as dangerous as the smart meters for electricity?
in response to the person degrading old people 4/10/14: I would like to read your response if you had/have a loved one who is virtually dying from electromagnetic ‘waves’ – it’s a miserable condition and all of your organs (heart, lungs, digestion, and of course brain, etc etc) shut down slowly but surely’ so I advise you to get informed before it happens to you or someone you love because it’s severely insidious and don’t know what’s doing it to you til it may be too late. now go – – start READING!
Wow. I feel dumber for having read this. You old people would have been against the radio, the automobile, the telephone – progress basically. Stop worrying about this and go yell at people to get off your lawn.
A quick browse for places that have banned smart meters found this:
The UK Government announced that ‘smart’ meter installations throughout the country will be delayed by more than a year due to serious health and medical concerns.
This news has been completely censored by US news media outlets.
Normally, anything coming out of the UK is trumpeted all over the US news media
especially NPR…but not this time.
Italy has completely banned wireless so-called ‘smart’ meters entirely. (Also censored from the US news media.)
Have the analog meter restored!
So what are the options that someone can do if they ended up having the smart meter put on their home for protection. I have heard of Q link and a few other things but you really don’t know what would be the best solution and would like to know what others have done themselves
I do not normally allow ads, but I am making an exception for your comment, because it is very inspiring and I appreciate that you took the time to post your experience and knowledge.
My name is B.D. Erickson II
In my communiqué I commit to staying on point.
*As an electronics manufacturer of products in this sector I like to candidly offer in advance that we never designed our line with human health in mind.
We simply set out to protect sensitive equipment.
I was actually skeptical.
My personal physician of all people, not necessarily a believer in EMF(R) danger himself asked me a question that may ring with engineers and may serve in future communiqué’s with people like myself.
He asked “So EMF’s and subsequent radiation is harmful to sensitive electronics?”
*My reply was “Without a doubt. It is measurable and therefore beyond contestation.”
His second question “Is the human biological system electrical”
*My reply “To be certain, measurable, beyond refute.”
His final question, one that has to some degree, changed the course of my life.
* “Then could I not suggest to you, that the human bio system is indeed the most complex and delicate of electrical systems?”
I deduce for myself then, if these fields can effect copper wire shielded in a wall (measurably so and mathematically provable and not contested professionally) then to argue it will not effect another electrical system simply because it’s biological is not valid.
It is simply beyond contestation.
‘How negative’ ~ is something I can’t comment on professionally, but measurable and harmful cannot be argued away intelligently or scientifically.
So one must ask, does the EMF(R) harm or benefit? In all of our studies (non biological) the effect is negative, harmful.
Measurable, consistent.
So the first steps on my journey were taken.
I’ve met brilliant people along the way we have no shortage of grad degree’s and phd’s in our office.
Here’s my only rub ~ I’m not a fearful human.
I’m an intelligent, decisive, active man and a free thinker. At least I desire to be these things.
I don’t want to scare people. I do not care to be a fear monger or to deal or trade in fear. Fear is the antithesis of faith, a superior state of being.
Once you become aware, you must not be paralyzed. One must transform fear into action. Fear serves when it moves you to get out of the way of a bus, it serves when it motivates to action that saves.
That level of managed fear ~ channeled into service and action is acceptable, even beneficial.
I’ll be in front of a lot of groups this coming year and I want to be certain I offer a goal achieving and stress relieving solution.
To this end I commit to working hard.
Our products are free for testing purposes; simply ask if you are interested.
EMF reduction is one of 5 features and benefits our products provide and this is absolutely, positively not a pitch. Our products are free to people creating awareness and trying to serve.
Thank you so much for all the fine info.
GET A GRIP PEOPLE. The “radiation” from a smart meter is nothing compared to what you are being bombarded with from natural sources (solar, ground, etc). Not to mention what is being radiated from your WiFi, cell phone, cordless house phone, TV, or any malfunctioning electrical device you may have.
BTW, if you think the power company is cheating you, then go out and buy yourself an inductive power meter, clamp it around the power main into your apt or house and see for yourself what you are using.
Could you either email me back this page on the dangers of Smart Meters OR mail copies to:
Adriana Zavala Badal – Mayor
Stephen Pauken – City Manager
City of Bisbee
118 Arizona Street
Bisbee, Arizona
Thank you,
Richard Byrd
Richard Byrd
Home phone: 1-520-432-3911
Cell phone: 1-520-226-7933
Mother & daughter sleeping in car in dangerous area because cannot be in apartment due to smart meters (cause extreme pain to Mom who has EHS). Can’t be in hotels due to wifi; need small drivable RV. See links to donate to their medical emergency…
Ask them to do a side by side test- or tell them to return the analog meter. (Also electric blankets are a health hazard!)
I live in a 800sqft house. my kwh range from 320-411. for 8 months. I have
a smart meter for 5 months now. my kwh range from 1200= 1779, I live in Tullahoma Tennessee. my smart meter is complements of Tullahoma utilities. When I asked the utilities company why my bill increased 4 -5 times the normal amount I was told various lies such as, The old meter didn’t work, Your heat was turned up to high. Its your water heater, Everybodys bill goes up in the winter, Or I should be glad its not higher. I have no heat in my house except an electric blanket. I do not have cha, dishwasher, washer or dryer, big screen tv, xbox,wii, or a grow room, or a frost free fridge. but im still getting charged for 1000-1700 kwh a month. I was also told by Tullahoma utilities that because the meter has run high consistantly for 5 months, that nothing was wrong with their meter.
Same as penalty scheme with proposed ObamaCare which is NO CARE at all, only to get your money. This is a sham of Legalized Spying . If they don’t get the info from surveys on the Internet they’ll get it thru utilities. It’s a Win situation for PG&E either way and we’ll lose if we don’t speak up. There taking away your freedom through deceiful devices. They’re trying to make civilians their puppets. I think there was an, “Outer Limits,” episode like this.
Well, if that doesn’t beat all. . . .
I’ve been noticing that for the last three months since I opted out (and KEPT my analog meter), that my electricity bill — not including the outrageous opt-out surcharge — has INCREASED by a consistent 60 percent over the same months of the previous year. Yet my actual usage each month has, if anything, DECREASED since last year.
If we win the lawsuit against the PUC, will we be eligible for a REFUND of the money taken from us for the opt-out fees?
I also have a home under BC Hydro, where there is no opt out. They’re natzis when it comes to any counterposition. Obviously, big business wins again, bastards. I also have noticed in Calif, in my townhome, a slight ringing in my ears of late. It’s from the damn smart meter i’ll bet since I do not listen to loud music and protect my ears.
Strange, how there is legal action taken against the cigarette for reasons, that cigarettes cause cancer and is now before the courts. Yet, we allow “smart meters” to poison us while politicians turn their backs on such an important issue. Is ignorance bliss? May be the time has come to take the next step and take B.C.Hydro to court. An invasion of privacy, combined with serious health issues not to forget the escalating bills and risks of damage to homes and businesses, should now be a priority!
Sample letter to Neighbors about PG$E OPT-OUT and it worked. Dear Neighbor: PG&E is allowing its customers to OPT OUT of the new “smart meter” program. This means we can all keep our safe, properly working analog meters. In order to OPT OUT, PG&E requires each customer to sign the enclosed form.
Although we will all be charged $75.00 set up fee and $10.00 monthly fee on our future bills, I agree to pay you back each month with my own check to you for these amounts. This means no extra chages for any of you.
Just put your name & PG&E Acct. # and phone # on the enclosed form and sign & date it. Then just put the completed form into my mailbox and I will mail all 4 together.
People with new “smart meters” are noticing significant increases in their monthly bills, some as high as 200% higher than with the old analog meters. The existing analog meters do NOT emit radiation at all, but the new “smart meters” constantly emit radiation. There are still other reasons to keep our own analog meters and they can be found at my organization’s website: emfsafetynetwork.org
EMF is heat.
“Major Blackout From South Orange County, California To Mexico” (09/08/2011)
I have NEVER supported the replacement of the “Old – Style Electric Meters” for the new “SmartConnect Electric Meters.” I suspect that the newer, more high – tech electric meters are far – more – susceptible to solar flares as well as to an Electric – Magnetic – Pulse (EMP). There were major solar flare activity on September 08, 2011. Susceptibility to an EMP makes such targets easy prey to potential high – tech terrorists.
Although no one else is talking about it, I know for a fact that when the major blackout struck from South Orange County, California to Mexico, it was during a major electric meter project being conducted by Southern California Edison.
Thanks for your answer. Now, what, I’m wondering, is happening to the food in my apartment & our water supply?
Some people have tried shielding. It would be best to measure the RF to confirm the shielding is working. lessemf.com sells meters and shielding fabric. Others are moving out for a safer place to live.
I am very upset. I live in a large building in SF & was told the smartmeters were being installed. What I wasn’t told is that they are on each floor & yesterday, as they were being installed, I learned they were in what is called the electrical room, which abuts my apartment, right near my bedroom.
Is there any way to protect me & others who are close to this room…(I’m thinking lead walls…ha ha).
Thank you for your comment William. It is truly unthinkable what they are doing. PG&E claims, “The FCC is the body that is responsible for RF
regulation. All meters with SmartMeter™ technology have been licensed or certified by
the FCC.” The fact is these meters are categorically excluded according to the FCC. There is no accountability and no oversight!
1) Most multi-residence buildings in San Francisco and elsewhere have meters together in banks (eight, sixteen and more) located adjacent to one unit in the building. The tenant in that unit would have control over only two meters (one electricity and one gas). An opt-out program would be meaningless to that tenant. Wireless SmartMeters cannot be allowed in such buildings.
2) Many buildings have a passageway in the rear or side which is about 36 inches wide. If meters are mounted on both sides of this walkway, who with a pacemaker would want to walk through it ?
3) The level of the insanity of this program and PG&E’s opt-out proposal is nearly
beyond belief.
Dear CPUC:
PG&E’s smart meter opt-out option is more than unfair for ratepayers who have paid in excess of 2.2 billion dollars for the “smart meter” program–which they never asked for, and which most did not want in the first place. The “smart meter” program is designed primarily to save PG&E money – by firing meter readers, by controlling energy usage for maximum profit, and by extorting money out of ratepayer victims who do not care to suffer dangerous and possibly fatal radiation exposure from these unregulated devices. If the “smart meter” is genuinely safe, why do PG&E and the CPUC not call for an independent testing and evaluation of the “smart meter”?
PG&E OPT-OUT PLAN: $270 up-front fee to opt out, a $14 monthly surcharge and a yet-to-be determined “exit fee” if you move. This is absolute extortion. These amounts never will be paid, and it is foolish to think otherwise.
PG&E has not seen the light of day, has not suddenly become compassionate; rather, it is being forced to offer an opt-out provision of the “smart meter” program, but it has gamed that provision. The proposed costs of opting out are prohibitive, which is PG&E’s intention, an attempt to stop the widespread and growing opposition to “smart meters”.
A SENSIBLE & USER-FRIENDLY OPT-OUT OPTION: No charge to keep your existing analog meter. No PG&E finagling of rates to customers choosing this option. PG&E can estimate usage based on the prior year, or customers can self-read monthly. A meter reader can check twice a year so that any underage or overage can be adjusted. Better yet, do not throw thousands of meter readers out of work. Let them keep their jobs, and let them continue to read meters.
For any customer who requests it, PG&E should restore the analog meter at PG&E’s expense, as soon as possible. Additionally, PG&E should be required to pay reparations to ratepayer-victims who suffered ill health, fires, explosions, damage to existing electronics and/or theft of personal information due to forced “smart meter” installation. Ratepayers should not have to pay for PG&E venality.
There should be an immediate and permanent ban on further installation of wireless “smart meters,” and a public service campaign to inform consumers of opt-out options. Finally, no more delays in evidentiary hearings on “smart meters” should be tolerated. Let’s get the truth, not PG&E profit-driven fabrications.
Farrell Winter
Santa Rosa CA
Dear Commissioners,
PG&E should never have been given the legal right or authority to install the so-called smart meters. Scientific testing, Underwriter Laboratory certification, health consequences, privacy issues, and accuracy testing and verification was never properly given their due and as a consequence many thousands, if not more, households/landowners/apartment dwellers, and business owners have been adversely affected.
The fact that proper guidance and authority, and real oversight, was not brought to bear on this boondoggle has resulted in extreme negligence and harm to ourselves and the environment.
That PG&E now is trying to make a further power and money grab by imposing opt out fees, monthly surcharges, and perhaps even an exit fee, is undemocratic and outrageous.
We, the American taxpayer, should not have to pay for this extraordinary blunder and abdication of fiscal responsibility and overreach. In any other circumstance if a vendor of any kind tried to demand monies because they did something they should never have done and then try to stick you with the bill it would not be tolerated. Such a demand is tantamount to abusive and exploitive behavior on PG&E’s part and should not be allowed to proceed.
As always, along with the criminal aspects of such irresponsibility, the poor, the elderly, minorities, and uninformed individuals are especially targeted by the prospect of such unfair “business” practices. This is financial, racial, and elder abuse and exploitation. It is despicable. Ratepayers have already paid more than 2.2 billion dollars for a program which has nothing to do with green technology. PG&E has plenty of ill-gotten profits as it is. It’s time for them to take responsibility and absorb any and all costs associated with the removal of already installed smart meters, and a complete halt to further installations.
I am deeply resentful of how PG&E’s practices have put all of us at risk. The billions of dollars they have should be going to testing and replacing their damaged gas pipelines which have already incinerated an entire neighborhood. How dare they not deal with the immediate threat of antiquated and unsafe pipelines before they ever embarked on this ill conceived ridiculous abuse of power and authority.
Thank you for your attention in this matter. You are entrusted with protecting the public interest and I, and my family, hope that your rise to the task.
Katlyn Stranger
San Rafael, CA
Dr. David O. Carpenter, expert on wireless technologies and public health, condemns the CCST report as poorly done.
Click https://www.schoolmoldhelp.org/content/view/2145/65/ to read the original, signed report by Dr. Carpenter as a pdf.