Category: Bees
Pollinators at risk: Honey Bee Says STOP 5G
Peer-reviewed studies show that wireless radiation harms bees, birds, and humans. In 2018 Newsweek reported “Technology is quite literally destroying nature” and 5G could make it even worse. Click on the flyer below to learn more, and then TAKE ACTION! What is 5G? See this fact sheet.

- Contact your local, state and federal representatives. See letter template and how to find your representatives below.
- Reduce your wireless use. See this brochure.
- Download and share the Stop 5G bee flyer, and use this flyer (best when printed on bright yellow paper) to post on telephone and light poles in your neighborhood where 5G could be installed.
Suggested letter template
Dear ______________________,
The science is in: EMFs are harmful. I am calling on you to stop 5G to protect bees, birds and humans! 5G will greatly increase involuntary exposure to wireless radiation in our communities with cell towers planned for every other block. There is no scientific evidence to support any claim of 5G safety! Scientists and public health experts from around the world are calling for a moratorium on 5G.(1)
In 2018 Newsweek reported: “Technology is quite literally destroying nature, with a new report further confirming that electromagnetic radiation from power lines and cell towers can disorientate birds and insects and destroy plant health. The paper warns that as nations switch to 5G this threat could increase.” (2)
Peer-reviewed studies show worker bees did not return to their hives because of wireless radiation, which led to a colony collapse. (3) Radiation impacts on wild birds documented nest abandonment, plumage deterioration and death. Lab studies of chick embryos documented heart attacks and death. (4) In 2019 the Swiss environmental group Pro Natura reported 5G increases the body temperature of insects. (5)
The 30 million dollar, ten year US National Toxicology Program study found clear evidence of cancer from exposure to wireless radiation. (6)
The telecommunication industry’s unbounded profit motive should never outweigh public and environmental safety. Communications are faster, more reliable, and safer using wired and corded connections. Stop 5G!
Sincerely, [your name and address]
How to find your representatives
- Local: search online for: “contact information for city and county officials in (your zip code)”
- State:
- US Senators: - US Representatives: - US President: phone 202-456-1111 (TTY/TTD 202-456-6213); The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
Take action to stop 5G Senate Bill S.3157
The Federal government is once again trying to take away local authority over cell towers. Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced the STREAMLINE Small Cell Deployment Act (S.3157).
S. 3157 is similar to a California Senate bill, SB 649, which would have stripped local authority over cell towers. Governor Brown vetoed SB 649 in October 2017.
The National League of Cities (NLC) opposes S. 3157. They wrote, “Despite urging from NLC and other local government advocates during the bill’s drafting phase, many preemptive provisions remain in the bill, including limiting the actions local governments can take on small cell wireless facility siting in an effort to make deployments cheaper, faster, and more consistent across jurisdictions.”
Here’s an easy way to take action. They NLC will send a letter directly to your representatives in Congress for you. You will need to insert your zip code, (and maybe your full address), and then the letter template will appear.
PLEASE NOTE: Instead of using their letter, which has statements of support for small cells, copy and paste the words below.
As a constituent, I am writing to express my opposition to the “Streamlining The Rapid Evolution And Modernization of Leading-edge Infrastructure Necessary to Enhance (STREAMLINE) Small Cell Deployment Act” (S. 3157).
S. 3157 is similar to a California bill (SB 649) which would have created a state mandated system of cell towers and eliminated local review and safety oversight. SB 649 was opposed by 300 cities, 47 counties and over 100 community, planning, health, environment and justice organizations. SB 649 was vetoed SB 649 by Governor Brown on October 15, 2017.
The threat of public and environmental harm from wireless radiation is real and growing. Local control is needed to ensure community safety, welfare and compliance with federal, state, and local laws.
Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable.
International independent scientists are calling for biologically-based public exposure standards and reducing wireless radiation.
S. 3157 represents a direct affront to traditionally-held local authority. S. 3157 introduces an unnecessary, one-size-fits-all preemption of local jurisdiction. The bill also imposes unfair and inappropriate timelines on local governments.
For more information see this joint letter to Congress asking you to oppose any and all bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion:
Thank you!
STOP cell towers on every block in California #STOPSB649
Cell towers emit harmful radiation.
If Senate Bill 649 passes you could awake in 2018 to find a cell tower outside your bedroom window, or on your children’s school. Senate Bill 649 would create a state mandated system of cell towers every couple hundred feet apart. SB 649 would harm California.
SB 649 would eliminate local control and public input. It would allow refrigerator-size cell equipment on utility poles, streetlights, sidewalks, in parks, on schools, hospitals, and any public building with no safety oversight. Only fire stations, coastal commission and historic areas are exempt. Cities would have no recourse to remove a tower even if every resident complained.
Peer-reviewed published science shows harmful effects of cell tower radiation include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children are especially vulnerable. See Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation and
SB 649 would harm nature. Peer reviewed published studies found radiation harms trees, birds, bees and insects. Studies of radiation impacts on wild birds documented nest abandonment, plumage deterioration and death. More studies here:
SB 649 would lay the groundwork for 5G millimeter wave technology. What is 5G? See this fact sheet. Peer reviewed published science shows millimeter waves adversely affect health. More studies here.
300 cities, 47 (out of 58) counties, and dozens of health, environment, consumer, and justice organizations representing millions of Californians have opposed SB 649. Organizations opposed to SB 649 9:8:2017
Here are letters from specific groups: Environmental Working Group AARP American Association of Retired Persons Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Ecological Options Network, EMF Safety Network Dr. Golomb Oppose SB 649
UPDATE! Governor Jerry Brown vetoed SB 649!
On October 15 Governor Brown Vetoed SB 649! Can you thank him? You can call his office, send a letter by mail, fax, or contact him through his website.
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160
- Flyer to hand out #VETOSB649
- Donate:
SB 649 is a shameless gift to the telecom industry
If Senate Bill 649 passes…
in 2018 you could awake to a cell tower right outside your bedroom window.
Unless you live in a fire station, a coastal commission or a historical city, SB 649 would put cell towers in every neighborhood and countryside in California. SB 649 would only allow design of how refrigerator sized equipment on and near poles can look.
Over the counter permits would eliminate local review of radiation impacts and essentially deregulate the telecom industry. 300 California cities and 47 counties oppose SB 649.
SB 649 will increase harmful radiation pollution. Independent scientists are calling for immediate action to reduce radiation:
“Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans.”
Peer reviewed published studies found radiation causes a wide range of health impacts including sleep problems, headaches, tinnitus, DNA damage and cancer. Children are more vulnerable.
“The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, regardless of their frequencies, are now scientifically settled. Pregnant women (the fetus) and children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable.”- Dominique Belpomme, MD, MPH, Paris V Descartes University, European Cancer & Environment Research institute.
Peer reviewed published studies found radiation harms nature, trees, birds, and bees. Studies of radiation impacts on wild birds documented nest abandonment, plumage deterioration and death.
Read our opposition letter here: SB 649 UPDATE 7:6:2017
SB 649 abandons the public to trust the telecom industry to certify radiation safety.
EMFSN, EON and CABTA in the news on KPFA and here.
Health, environment, consumer, and justice organizations representing millions of Californians have opposed SB 649 including: Environmental Working Group, Sierra Club California, California League of Conservation Voters, AARP American Association of Retired Persons, Association of Environmental Professionals, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, California Communities Against Toxics, Center for Environmental Health, Citizens for Health, SF Public Utilities Commission, The Greenlining Institute, The Utility Reform Network, Teens Turning Green, As You Sow, Baby Safe Project, Bay Area Educators for Safe Tech, California Brain Tumor Association, Chico Chapter of Weston A. Price Foundation, Citizens For A Radiation Free Community, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, Daily Acts, East Bay Move to Amend, Ecological Options Network, EMF Safety Network, Environmental Health Trust, Environmental Voices, EMR Protection Forum, Grassroots Environmental Education, Green Sangha, Health & Habitat Inc, Healthy 880 Communities, Law Offices of Harry V. Lehmann PC, Marin Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Mom’s Across America, Moms Advocating Sustainability, National Association For Children and Safe Technology, Parents for a Safer Environment, The Peoples Initiative Foundation, Physicians for Safe Technology, Radiation Research Trust, Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness, Sage Associates, Scientists for Wired Technology, Seniors for Environmental Awareness, Stop Smart Meters, Veterans for Radiation Safety, Windheim EMF Solutions, Wireless Radiation Alert Network, Wireless Radiation Education and Defense, and Your Own Health and Fitness.
The majority of these groups listed above oppose SB 649 based on the science of wireless harm.
The Communication and Conveyance committee passed the bill on July 12. The Assembly Appropriations Committee passed the bill on September 1.
The State Assembly and Senate barely passed SB 649 and the bill now awaits the Governor’s signature or veto. Find how your representatives voted here:
Update on Oct.15, 2017 Governor Brown Vetoed SB 649!
Trees injured by cell tower radiation
Scientists in Germany studied tree damage in relation to electromagnetic radiation for nine years, from 2006-2015. They monitored, observed and photographed unusual or unexplainable tree damage, and measured the radiation the trees were exposed too.
“The aim of this study was to verify whether there is a connection between unusual (generally unilateral) tree damage and radiofrequency exposure.”
The 30 selected trees in low radiation areas (no visual contact to any phone mast and power flux density under 50μW/m2) showed no damage.