California Department of Public Health issues cell phone advisory

CDPH warns cell phones can impact health, especially in children

This is the press release issued from the CDPH today:

SACRAMENTO As smartphone use continues to increase in the U.S., especially among children, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today issued guidance for individuals and families who want to decrease their exposure to the radio frequency energy emitted from cell phones. Although the scientific community has not reached a consensus on the risks of cell phone use, research suggests long-term, high use may impact human health.

“Although the science is still evolving, there are concerns among some public health professionals and members of the public regarding long-term, high use exposure to the energy emitted by cell phones,” said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. “We know that simple steps, such as not keeping your phone in your pocket and moving it away from your bed at night, can help reduce exposure for both children and adults.”

Cell phones emit radio frequency energy when they send and receive signals to and from cell towers, and some scientists and public health officials believe this energy may impact human health.

Meanwhile, cell phone use in the U.S. has increased dramatically in recent years. About 95 percent of Americans own a cell phone, and 12 percent rely on their smartphones for everyday Internet access. In addition, the average age when children get their first phone is now just 10 years old, and a majority of young people keep their phones on or near them most of the day and while they sleep.

“Children’s brains develop through the teenage years and may be more affected by cell phone use,” said Dr. Smith. “Parents should consider reducing the time their children use cell phones and encourage them to turn the devices off at night.”

The new CDPH guidance includes practical steps both adults and children could take to reduce exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phones. That includes:

  • Keeping the phone away from the body
  • Reducing cell phone use when the signal is weak
  • Reducing the use of cell phones to stream audio or video, or to download or upload large files
  • Keeping the phone away from the bed at night
  • Removing headsets when not on a call
  • Avoiding products that claim to block radio frequency energy. These products may actually increase your exposure.

See the CDPH advisory: How to Reduce Exposure to Radiofrequency Energy from Cell Phones

This CDPH press release is also available in Espanol

Today is Giving Tuesday: Support EMF Safety Network

Consider giving the gift of EMF education as the EMF Safety Network continues to act to protect people and the environment from increasing EMF radiation pollution.

Since 2009 EMF Safety Network has been steadily raising awareness, growing EMF activism, educating decision makers, and helping people reduce their EMF exposure.

Your gift will help us continue our work as we move into 2018, to further educate decision makers, to create new educational materials, hold more public events, and keep the website updated.  This is our Achievements, Income and Expenses report for 2017. We’ve accomplished a lot this year on a shoestring budget!

Here is a comment by a supporter:  “I am so grateful for your hard work and organization. I have never participated in a government issue before, and you made it so easy to write and send my postcards, call my state legislators, and have talking points for conversations with neighbors. I could not have figured out how to express my voice without your support and guidance. Thank you!”


Take Action to oppose 5G and federal wireless expansion

We need your help!

Yesterday we mailed 541 joint letters to Congress members. The letter is signed by dozens of health, environment and justice advocates and organizations asking them to oppose the many federal bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion. It is packed with peer-reviewed science references and solid reasons to oppose.

Please contact your own US Senators and Representative to let them know you support the letter. This is really important because they place more value on hearing from their constituents.

It is easy to contact them via their websites. Below is a sample email, which you can edit, copy and paste into their website contact page. If you’d prefer you can mail, or fax them the letter.

Find your US Senators here:

Find Your US Representative here:


Subject line: Joint Letter to Congress, oppose 5G and wireless radiation expansion

Honorable [Representative or Senator] [name]

I support this joint letter to Congress requesting you oppose the many pending federal bills related to the expansion of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (wireless radiation or RFR) and 5G millimeter wave technology including but not limited to: S.1988 SPEED Act, S.19 Mobile Now Act, S.1682 Airwaves Act, S-88 DIGIT Act, H.Res.521, and S.Res.242.

This letter was mailed to all Congress members on November 14, 2017. The letter provides peer-reviewed science references and solid reasons to oppose 5G and wireless expansion. You can find it online at

Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable. International independent scientists are calling for biologically-based public exposure standards and reducing wireless radiation.

Communications are safer using wired and corded connections. It is in the best public and environmental interest to avoid unnecessary wireless radiation exposures.

Please oppose any and all bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion.

Thank you for your consideration,

Warm regards from your constituent,
[your name]

Defeat of Cell Tower Bill SB 649 Celebrated and Next Steps

On Sunday, Oct. 29 Sebastopol Mayor Una Glass joined EMF Safety Network for a photo at the Sebastopol Farmers Market to celebrate the defeat of Senate Bill 649, which would have created a state mandated system of cell towers in California. Governor Brown vetoed SB 649 two weeks ago.
Sebastopol, Santa Rosa, and Sonoma County were among the 300 cities, 47 counties and over 100 organizations opposed to SB 649. Senator McGuire and Assemblyman Levine also opposed the bill.
The defeat of SB 649 was won by a consortium of organizations, especially the League of California Cities, RCRC representing Rural Counties, Best Best and Krieger, Environmental Working Group and the many organizations who opposed the bill.
As for our contributions, early on EMF Safety Network (EMFSN) partnered with Ecological Options Network (EON) and formally opposed SB 649 when it was first introduced in March, and re-introduced our opposition to the subsequent committees.
We were fortunate to have Environmental Working Group to guide us on how to oppose the bill. We created a letter template and brought in many groups to oppose SB 649.  We kept our list members informed via email, website, Facebook and Twitter. We gave people the science, tools, flyers and information on how to take action to oppose SB 649.

Read more including next steps

Unlocking the door:  How to successfully get through to people about wireless radiation.

By: Rachel Gaunt: For years I have been talking to people about the risks of wireless radiation. People who already “get it” are an easy audience. They nod and agree vehemently. But conversing with people who are new to this subject has not been so easy.

Too often I see their eyes glaze over, watch them shift uncomfortably, or frown and get defensive. The more I ramp up my passion about the subject the more they retreat.

As someone who has worked extensively in the field of communication and consumer motivation, I’m no stranger to activist campaigns, but this was a new level of puzzle. Why didn’t these folks – my family and my dear friends -want to hear the truth about some critical information pertinent to their health?

I used to fantasize that if I just got the exact right message or the right order of facts, they would magically come around and see the light.

But if there was one exact right message I hadn’t yet found it.

It wasn’t until I conducted some creative concept focus groups that I glimpsed the answer. This small-scale qualitative research helped me see what NOT to do. It also shed light on a way to get through the defense and reach people successfully.

Today I feel like there is a way to get through to people. It is not magic, it is a particular four step formula that I want to share.

Step One: Making the Invisible Visible

First off, the opening gambit has to change their worldview. It has to affect them viscerally. It is not enough to appeal to their rational brain alone, it has to touch their whole being, head, heart and instinct…. something they feel deep in their gut. It is only a visceral response that changes their worldview and opens the door.

Read More

Governor Brown Vetoes SB 649!

On Sunday Oct. 15, 2017 Senate Bill 649 has been vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown. SB 649 would have created a state mandated system of cell towers every couple hundred feet apart in California. 300 cities, 47 counties and over 100 community, planning, health, environment and justice organizations opposed SB 649.

EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network opposed SB 649 since the bill was introduced in March because cell towers emit harmful radiation. The bill would have allowed unlimited refrigerator-size cell equipment on utility poles, streetlights, sidewalks, in parks, on schools and public buildings with no safety oversight.

Sandi Maurer, Director of EMF Safety Network said, “We mailed Governor Brown a couple thousand postcards depicting SB 649 as a slobbering warty monster wielding a zapping cell tower and asked him to veto SB 649. We are thrilled and relieved Governor Brown vetoed this bill.”

Mary Beth Brangan co-director of EON said, “Now we need to prepare ourselves for the next state and federal telecom push, where they will try again with bills to overtake local authority and disregard public health.”

Governor Brown’s veto statement:

See this post for more information about SB 649:

Thank you to everyone who helped achieve this victory and to all the cities, counties and organizations opposed. This is a win not only for California but for the rest of the United States!

Please thank Governor Brown for vetoing SB 649!  You can contact him on his website, call or send a card in the mail:
phone: (916) 445-2841
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814