A California appeals court has ruled that Wi-Fi sickness, also know as EHS, merits disability accommodation.
On February 18, 2021 a decision was entered in the case of Brown v. Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) at the 2nd district Court of Appeals in California. The court concluded that “Brown adequately pled her cause of action for failure to provide reasonable accommodation for her disability.” They reversed a lower courts decision that had ruled in favor of LAUSD.
Brown is a teacher in the LAUSD school district. After the school upgraded their Wi-Fi system Brown experienced, “chronic pain, headaches, nausea, itching, burning sensations on her skin, ear issues, shortness of breath, inflammation, heart palpitations, respiratory complications, foggy headedness, and fatigue, all symptoms of Microwave Sickness or EHS.”
Brown sued LAUSD after efforts to obtain reasonable accommodations failed. The trial court ruled in favor of LAUSD. Brown appealed that decision and won. The appeals court based their decision on California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) which provides disability protections independent of, and above and beyond the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Excerpt from the Decision:
“The Legislature has stated its intent that “physical disability” be construed so that employees are protected from discrimination due to actual or perceived physical impairment that is disabling, potentially disabling, or perceived as disabling or potentially disabling.”
“FEHA states a “physical disability” includes, but is not limited to, “any physiological disease, disorder, condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss that does both of the following: Affects one or more of the following body systems: neurological, immunological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory, including speech organs, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin and endocrine…Limits a major life activity…`Major life activities’ shall be broadly construed and includes physical, mental, and social activities and working.”
San Francisco, California. Awake, again, at 3am. M. Cain draws how they feel. The compelling and raw line drawings illustrate Electrical Sensitivity (EHS): the sleeplessness, headaches, and ear ringing.
Idea for an animation:a graph
of a year in the life of a man.
It starts and continues slowly
with the man getting 'pinged'
with tiny holes through his body
as by a soft breeze.
As more and more holes
blow through him
the man becomes
confused and dizzy.
Then, through the holes,
you begin to see the sky,
or whatever is happening behind him.
He does not fight this,
is just too tired to care.
Finally he calmly
sits on the floor
as the last holes
completely disappear him.
While the theme music is
also putting You to sleep
with it's creepy
M. Cain 2019
M. Cain is a long time resident of San Francisco who holds a Bachelors of Fine Art from California State University at Los Angeles and has worked professionally for decades as a graphic designer for non-profits.
M. Cain says, “I wanted the drawings to show what EHS personally, physically, feels like. The ink line is like a thread you can pull through ideas that become inner informants to a deeper layer. And hopefully, intuitively, show people that positive changes are possible, by learning to imagine, with intent to create.”
A large-scale wireless communication system covering Canyon Village, Grant Village, Lake, Mammoth Hot Springs, and Old Faithful is proposed, including five microwave antenna locations, twelve wireless backhaul antennas, and up to four hundred and eighty (480) transceivers. Overview: https://parkplanning.nps.gov/projectHome.cfm?projectID=89100
Suggested Template (copy and paste and/or add your own comment):
I oppose the deployment of wi-fi and other wireless radiation technology in Yellowstone, and all National Parks. Peer reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms trees, birds, bees and insects. Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms people, and children are especially vulnerable. People with electromagnetic sensitivity (EHS) depend on having wi-fi free accommodations and access to nature to restore and heal. Increasing wi-fi in parks could become an ADA issue.
Wired and corded communications are safer and more reliable. Protect people, nature, and access to our wilderness treasures by creating policy to reduce wireless radiation throughout the park. Invite visitors to unplug and enjoy nature.
By Patricia Burke, 9/9/2019. A few months ago, while lying on the acupuncture table, I broke my nose. Understanding how and why that happened, and the danger it presents, could change everything.
Brain-Washing: Timeless Ayurvedic Knowledge and Wisdom
Chiropractor and Ayurvedic expert Dr. John Doulliard has written a number of articles about ancient medicine’s practices of “brainwashing.”
But he isn’t referring to the kind of brainwashing that Westerners think of when they hear the word. He is speaking about practices developed by Indian sages, thousands of years ago, to support the cerebral-spinal fluid’s action in detoxifying the brain.
I have written numerous articles on the new discovery of lymphatic vessels that drain 3 pounds of toxins annually from the brain while you sleep at night, but this understanding is just the tip of a massive health-promoting iceberg—and I am super excited to share these latest developments regarding the best ways to detox your brain.
For me, the most exciting part is how the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda, which directly addressed brain cleansing, are now being supported by new studies linking cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) flow to brain lymph drainage.
Dr. Douillard goes into further detail about the glymphatic system recently “discovered” by modern science in his article, “The Brain Cleansing Process.”
Brain States: Cool, Cushioned, and Lubricated, or Overheated, Compressed, and Dehydrated?
In addition to detoxification responsibilities, while studying yogic anatomy, I learned from one of my mentors, Swami Nirmalananda, that the cerebral-spinal fluid flows up and over the top of the head to perform 3 functions:
To cool the brain
To lubricate the brain
To cushion the brain
When the human energy field detects what it perceives to be a dangerous frequency in the electromagnetic environment, is it responding with a mechanical defense strategy that inhibits this process?
I propose that a remarkable thing happens. Alongside the other well-known components of the fight-or-flight response, the bony plates in the skull can contract in order to create a protective helmet-like physical barrier to protect the brain. At the same time, the sac that surrounds the heart (the pericardium) can tighten up in order to act as a shock absorber.
From Project Censored: The popularity and widespread use of wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications revolution with increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electro-magnetic spectrum as we transmit data through a variety of devices. The Telecom industry is promoting the replacement of our current cellular network, 4G (fourth generation) with a new generation of shorter high frequency 5G wavelengths to power the “Internet of Things” (IoT). The IoT promises faster data processing, amazing new gadgets and a lifestyle that mirrors science fiction. However, 5G will require a massive telecommunications network with many more cell towers—resulting in wireless antennas every few feet, greater radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and increasing concerns about health.
Because this is the first generation to have cradle-to-grave lifespan exposure to this level of man-made microwave radiofrequencies, it will be years or decades before the true health consequences are known. There are still many questions about the safety of RFR in 2G, 3G and 4G wireless technologies. Informed health experts strongly recommend precaution in the roll out of 5G tech.
RFR exposure has been classified as a potential 2B carcinogen according to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. Research showed that the use of mobile phones could lead to specific brain tumors. Other studies have concluded that RFR exposure has been associated with DNA breaks (related to cancer), oxidative damage (leads to tissue deterioration and premature aging), disruption of cell metabolism, increased blood-brain barrier permeability, melatonin reduction (can lead to insomnia), and many others.
5G technologies are far less studied for human effects. The addition of this 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will likely contribute to negative public health outcomes—both physically and mentally. The new 5G technology utilizes high-frequency millimeter waves (MMW), which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. Continuous exposure in close proximity to people’s homes and workplaces may pose serious risks.
Dr. Yael Stein of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University is a strong critic of the new 5G network. He notes the adverse effects MMW have on human skin—causing pain receptors to flare up. The Department of Defense (DoD) uses MMW in a crowd-dispersal device that makes the skin feel like it’s burning.
5G technology is not only bad for humans, it harms plant and animal life as well. One study found low-intensity MMW cause “peroxidase isoenzyme spectrum changes,” which damages cells. The 5G infrastructure would also pose a threat to our planet’s atmosphere. The implementation of this massive telecom network will require the deployment of many, short-lifespan satellites propelled by hydrocarbon rocket engines. One study states: launching these rockets will produce enough atmospheric carbon to pollute global atmospheric conditions, affect temperature and the ozone.
There is little or no corporate media coverage, of specific 5G health concerns. One CBS news article, May 29, 2018, noted general health concerns about the increased proximity and scope of the proposed 5G infrastructure (300,000 new antennas), yet they, and other corporate articles focus more on the proposed benefits of 5G: faster data speeds, 3D imaging, investment opportunities, etc. Corporate media also defer to telecom industry and federal officials to answer health questions; who typically say radiation exposure is minimal and RFR devices are safe.
Corporate media also fail to cover consumer groups questioning industry and federal practices, such as the coalition of 52 grassroots organizations calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to delay deployment of 5G infrastructure pending more health studies, citing “emerging science linking exposure to RF microwave radiation with serious biological harm.”
Cindy Russell, “5 G Wireless Telecommunications Expansion: Public Health and Environmental Implications,” Environmental Research, August 2018, (Epub: April 11, 2018), https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29655646.
Maria (Sargent) August Ani Thupten Tsondru August 3, 1970 – March 12, 2019
It is with a heavy heart to report that Maria (Sargent) August took her own life this year because of pain and suffering from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) and Epstein-Barr Virus. Maria was electrically injured by smart meters. She was recovering from car crash injuries on a couch that had a bank of 16 smart meters on the other side of the wall. Her parting words are below. Let us resolve to work towards establishing safe zones for people with EHS. May Maria be surrounded with love and care.
In 2018 Maria was interviewed by Nicolas Pineault author of the Non-Tin Foil Hat guide to EMFs.
From Maria (Sargent) August: On March 12th, I chose to end my Earth Walk and reunite with the Mother of All Things. I wanted to free myself from the straightjacket of electrifying pain and neurological debilitation of Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). These hidden modern-day epidemics humbled me and connected me to the great suffering of others. Yet, they also shattered and dehumanized me.
The constant tension of strange symptoms and crushing pain left me cut off from a life of embodied prayer and active altruism; I felt alienated from my true nature and impotent to be of service. I decided the greater good was to give my life with the aspiration to raise awareness and help others. As Thomas Merton said, “Man has no greater love than that he lay down his life for his friend.”
If anyone asks, you can say I ended my own life. But it would be more accurate to say I died from Electromagnetic Field (EMF) poisoning. I am not ashamed of my actions. They were based on compassion for my own suffering and the desire to prevent more people from becoming sick.
I’m not the first person with Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS) to die by their own hand, but perhaps I’m the first to publicize it. And that’s my whole intention. Let me be the posterchild for this 21st century plague. Let me be the impetus for positive change. What sends a stronger message than death? The message is: seek the truth and learn how to protect yourselves. The message is: create housing opportunities for people with EHS.
Manmade Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) at current astronomical levels are unprecedented in human history. And they are not safe. Human cells cannot function properly under this 24/7 radiation shower. That is why people are getting sick. I chose to die so you would know how important it is to reduce your exposure to this invisible toxin. I chose to die so the world would see that safe camps for EMF refugees are desperately needed.
EHS has all the ingredients of torture: cause someone intolerable pain, separate them from the community, and prevent them from sleeping. Is that a risk you are willing to take? Is that a life you want for your children? It’s much, much easier to prevent than to cure. And those, like me, who get a severe case, find there is nowhere to live, detox, and recover. Let us care for this growing population of our society. Now is the time to start developing wilderness Safe Havens. Every person deserves a safe place to call home.
I do not want a funeral, memorial service, or life celebration. Instead, please help the living by honoring my three final wishes. Thank you and may you be well.
Take simple steps to lower your EMF exposure and stay healthy. Organize housing for people sick with EHS. Resources for this are: the fantastic book The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and the “Safe Haven tab”.
Cleanse your body of radiation, viruses, heavy metals, and pesticides, which cause EHS and other chronic illnesses, including lupus, Lyme, MS, RA, and cancer. It’s fun and yummy! Read the beautiful book Life Changing Foods by Anthony William.
Take extra good care of each other. Spend time each week in loving service to a sick, injured, or housebound person. Let them know they are not forgotten. This is the true purpose of being human. Resources for this are: the books Everybody Always by Goff, Peace Pilgrim, and the “TLC Book tab”.
May my death usher in a new era, an era in which EHS and EBV are taken seriously, diagnosed correctly, treated immediately, and prevented widely. May this be an era of permaculture eco-villages, bountiful food forests, abundant altruism and safe technologies. I gladly sacrifice my life for that purpose. May it be so!
Look for me in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Pray that I’ve melted into Mother Luminosity and am helping all beings, in all worlds, in all ways. May the bodhichitta flourish!
The EMF Health Effects Survey 2019 is an anonymous survey circulated online from 11/27/2018 to 1/27/2019 through the EMF Safety Network lists, website, and affiliate online EMF groups. There are 876 respondents and over 1300 comments. THANK YOU to all who took the survey and to all who helped to circulate it!
Ed Halteman, PhD of Survey Design and Analysis has prepared a report of the Survey Results. A summary of the results is 52% of all respondents stated “severely”or “a lot” in response to the question of “How much does the current EMF environment (cell phones/smart meters/wireless etc.) limit your lifestyle – your ability to work, shop, play, and or spend time with friends and family?” 22% said they are affected a moderate amount, 15.6% a little and 10.5% not at all limited.
Respondents were asked to best match themselves to the following descriptions which are synonymous with mild, moderate, and severe Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). 49.3% said they are EMF Aware: “You are aware that electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation affect your health or make you feel unwell” 27.5% EMF Injured: “You have been injured by electromagnetic fields and/or wireless radiation” 19.1% Radiation sickness: “You have electromagnetic radiation sickness, a severe and chronic condition” 4.1% None of the above
The top health problems all respondents experience(d) and believe are related to EMF exposure are: Sleep; Fatigue; Concentration, memory or learning problems; and Stress and anxiety.
The top EMF device(s), all respondents believe caused or worsened their health problems are: Wi-fi; Cell phone; Smart meters; and Cell or radio tower.
The top remediations that people tried and reported as most helpful were: Prudent avoidance of EMF; turning electricity off at the breaker box, and shielding. The least helpful remedies were reported as: Medical doctors, prescription drugs and counseling or therapy.
When you look at the survey results segmented by self-description the numbers change. People with Radiation sickness had twice the number of health problems as EMF Aware, and 50% more than EMF Injured.
94% of people with Radiation sickness reported Concentration, memory or learning problems, compared to 47% of EMF Aware. People with Radiation sickness were more affected by cell or radio tower.
There is much to learn, and much more to say about these results. How can we best use this? Circulate this report to doctors and decision makers. Try a solution you haven’t tried yet. Have more compassion for people who are more affected than you. Understand not everyone is equally harmed. What else? Let us know!
In closing, please read the following commentary on this survey by Cindy Sage:
“The many hundreds of comments written by people responding to the EMF Health Effects Survey 2019 by the EMF Safety Network are illuminating and profoundly disturbing. The Survey itself is invaluable to teach us what it is like to live a life with EHS limitations. It doesn’t matter whether you live in the US, or Canada, or western Europe or Scandinavia. Or Asia. Or Australia. The accounts are so similar. The demoralizing effects are the same.
What is obvious is that these people are expressing the symptoms of microwave radiation illness that could be predicted based on decades of international scientific studies. The physiological basis for brain and body effects from microwave radiation exposures are well-accounted for in the science – so it should be no surprise to hear it. At least a dozen major studies and reviews of cell tower-level RF exposures (of 0.1 microwatt per centimeter squared or more) have identified these same health effects the Survey presents through the personal comments of responders.
We don’t often get a window into the life of a person with EHS – how isolating it is – how marginalized people are – and how withdrawn they must become to protect what is left of their health. We need to listen with ears wide open. This is real and real people are living greatly diminished lives. Imagine yourself forced to give up a productive life to live on the edge, and that edge keeps moving. Imagine being denied access to business opportunities, education, transportation, healthcare, public participation, recreation and places of celebration and renewal.
Again and again we are hearing the same things. I lived a normal life until… smart meters were installed on my wall… until a major macrocell tower was built next door…. until my office installed several wireless routers. My family didn’t understand. It took me some time to realize what was making me sick. It destabilized my relationships. I lost my freedom.
People with EHS have to give up so many things most people take for granted in life. Shopping, going out to dinner, attending meetings in public places, going to a child’s graduation or recital, travel along an interstate or by rail or air. Everyday activities that make up the fabric of life are no longer accessible – at least without paying the price.
It is an insidious and invisible progression where the activities of daily life are incrementally diminished by exposures that intensify with time, subject to no health and safety accounting at all. No one is keeping track of cumulative RF body burdens. There is no governmental agency that is tracking EHS illness reports, nor conducting a serious effort to revise health standards.
Perhaps the most valuable lesson we can learn from this Survey is educated compassion. The first thing we can do is to accept that EHS is real. The next thing we can do is to change our own behaviors. And, after that, wherever we have influence – we need to help others find healthier ways of interacting with technology that protects all of us.”
Today is #GivingTuesday, that day of the year when many non-profits reach out for financial support. In honor of this giving day I wanted to ask for your support, but also give something back to you.
My gift back is an anonymous survey on EMF health effects. When you’re done taking it you can see the survey results. My hope is that the results would be validating, a source of comfort, and also be educational. Many people who’ve been injured by EMFs need to know they aren’t alone. This survey will be available for one month or 1000 responses. Click here to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8WYDLYZ
Here’s a brief recap of this years work: This year EMF Safety Network created and distributed 2000 new brochures called “What are EMF’s?”, created a new website page on How to oppose 5G and 14 website posts to keep people informed about important events, including a call to action alert to stop Senate Bill S.3157. We engaged attorney Gail Karish from Best Best and Krieger to write a letter on how to legally oppose 5G. We held an EMF educational forum for doctors, and supported activists and EMF injured nationwide in their campaigns for justice via website, email, and phone support.
EMF Safety Network co-coordinated $10K flow fund grant with Ecological Options Network to include support to the following groups: Cellular Phone Task Force, Halt MA smart meters, New York Safe Utility Meter Association, Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications, and Electronic Silent Spring. We also won Constant Contact All-Star Award for high open and click rates.