What really happened at Peevey’s last CPUC meeting

Before noon on Dec.18, a Bay City News reporter published a rare media account of Peevey’s last meeting at the CPUC titled “San Bruno blast: PUC’s Peevey presides over final meeting, receiving scorn and praise”. During untimed public comments 30 speakers droned on with accolades for his twelve years at the CPUC, one calling him the “greenest Commissioner”. After a couple hours the scorn began. 21 speakers had signed up to speak, most on smart meters. Robert Ernst read the names and smart meter complaints told to the CPUC judge at public hearings. (see video below)
Within hours the news article covering the scorn was censored, and almost all mention of smart meter opposition inside the CPUC meeting was removed. Here’s what was taken out:
“Armed police guarded the meeting, which at one point was interrupted by shouts when it appeared that Peevey intended to adjourn the meeting before all members of the public had a chance to speak.
“Be quiet,” Peevey told those who were shouting. Eventually, Peevey decided to continue the meeting through lunch and speakers continued to offer comments.
Numerous people offered opposition to the controversial PG&E smart meter program.
Robert Ernst of San Rafael offered Peevey “a dark rose for dark times” that he claimed smart meters pose for California. People held up signs that read “Listen to the Smart Meter injured.
“The PUC is clearly a captured agency, working on behalf of, and in collusion with, the utility it is supposed to be regulating,” said Sandi Maurer.”

Prior to the meeting we met on the steps of the CPUC in protest. The grim reaper held a wireless kills sign, black roses were handed out and a smart meter victims coffin was raised.
The alternate smart meter decision is APPROVED
After a lunch break, the CPUC approved Peevey’s alternate decision, which charges opt out fees of $75 initial fee and $10 a month ($10 and $5 for low income) for no more than three years. The decision excluded health and safety and disallowed community and business opt out. The Commissioners did not discuss it, only offered gratuities to those involved.
Thanks to everyone who coordinated the actions and participated, and to Steve Zeltzer for the following video: