Try to install a Smart Meter in Sebastopol and you could get a $500 fine.
The Sebastopol City Council unanimously adopted an ordinance banning Smart Meter installation in Sebastopol yesterday. They also adopted a resolution asking the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to allow communities to opt-out of Smart Meters at no additional cost.
Sebastopol became the 15th local jurisdiction to make Smart Meter installations illegal, along with Fairfax, Ojai, Santa Cruz, and Marin, Lake, Mendocino and Santa Cruz counties and others.
Previously Sebastopol had asked PG&E for a moratorium on installations until the CPUC proceeding was complete. PG&E wasn’t complying. Meanwhile their contractors, Wellington were sending installers into Sebastopol, with many apartment buildings and some areas already installed.
Yesterday it was reported that Wellington was installing Smart Meters in town and the police were called to the scene. Once the police arrived and talked to them, the installer left.
In stark contrast the city of Naperville Illinois has forced Smart Meter installation using the support of armed police. Two mothers were arrested.
THANK YOU to the Sebastopol City Council for their strong stand, and to the City Staff for their support. Thank you also to the City of Fairfax, who has led the way in protecting their city from Smart Meter installations.
Congratulations!! This is excellent news, and will help, with other legal actions that are adding up every day, pave the way to remove every “smart” meter from every home and business in the world. That is the only acceptable outcome for these ridiculous “Spy and Fry” meters!
Almighty PG&E will need to comply with the law and I would suggest they not act like they are above it (though they have gotten away with tremendous damage without punishment).
Does it make for good PR for a corporation to publicly “reject” local law.
This is a corporation that is nourished by local dollars.
Suppose I decided to reject other laws designed to protect public safety? I don’t think I would publicly state this.
Its just bad form.