The CPUC has delayed resolving the smart meter opt out proceeding for a 6th time which is a full year of delays. The new deadline is set for December 3rd, 2014.
During public comments at a CPUC voting meeting last week Commission President Michael Peevey announced that the Judge on the case (Amy Yip-Kikugawa) is too busy with the San Bruno case so that’s why there’s delays. According to the legal filing the delay is needed because the issues are “complex and require additional time to resolve”, not because the judge is too busy.
Meanwhile federal investigators are uncovering more collusion between PG&E and two CPUC Commissioners, Peevey and Florio. The SF Chronicle reported yesterday that federal prosecutors are investigating five years’ worth of back-channel communications between PG&E and the CPUC, including several that enmeshed utility executives in a recently revealed judge-shopping scandal. Here’s PGE’s recent filing.
Do you think those five years of emails might reveal collusion between PG&E and the CPUC on smart meters? No doubt! We know PGE trained the CPUC Consumer Affairs Branch how to respond to smart meter complaints. The case against “Ralph Florea” aka Bill Devereaux, the head of PG&E’s smart meter department (who spied on us; circulated private emails to corporate PG&E, the CPUC and others; and sent a spy to photograph our protest) revealed the CPUC and PG&E were discussing our work via emails and held private meetings while our smart meter proceeding was still open.
At the Oct.2nd CPUC business meeting the public railed at the Commissioners on smart meters calling for President Peevey’s removal. You can view the public comments on video: See Oct 2 meeting for public comments
Recently the City of San Bruno released emails showing the illegal relationship between The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E).
The City of San Bruno demanded the immediate removal of CPUC President Michael Peevey and substantial penalties against PG&E after it was exposed that top CPUC and PG&E staff engaged in repeated and illegal private conversations in the ongoing CPUC penalty proceeding related to the deadly 2010 PG&E gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno.
“Today’s disclosure demonstrates an ongoing, illicit and illegal relationship between the CPUC and PG&E,” said Mayor Jim Ruane, who released more than 7,000 pages of documents received after San Bruno filed a Public Records Act lawsuit against the CPUC.
Based on our experience with PG&E smart meters and our work at the CPUC, we know this unethical, illicit relationship first hand. The case against “Ralph Florea” aka Bill Devereaux, the head of PG&E’s smart meter department (who spied on us; circulated private emails to corporate PG&E, the CPUC and others; and sent a spy to photograph our protest) revealed the CPUC and PG&E were discussing our work via emails and held private meetings while our smart meter proceeding was still open.
Emails exchanged between PG&E’s EMF program manager and the CPUC illustrate collusion. PG&E did not file mandatory exparte legal paperwork. The attached document is redacted by PG&E but you can see the emails are between PG&E and the CPUC. They are discussing the EMF Safety Network, a conference call, and a letter from the FCC. See attached: 096SmartMeterInquiry
PG&E created a Technology Advisory Panel (TAP) on smart meters that included members of the CPUC Energy Division, CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA), The Utility Reform Network (TURN), and others, and held meetings at PG&E, but the public was not invited to attend. See one meeting example here: 093SmartMeterInquiry
PG&E trained the CPUC Consumers Affairs Branch (CAB) how to respond to smart meter complaints. When people called to complain to PG&E about smart meters, then called the CPUC they got the same answer which left customers feeling frustrated and intimidated. See page 281-282
PG&E “Increased frequency of meetings with CAB staff. In addition to regular monthly meetings, met more on as needed basis as Smart Meter concerns began to increase, so CAB staff could provide more accurate and timely responses to customers (2010)”. “PG&E upgraded their phone system to give CAB priority call queue, and provided CAB a Smart Meter Overview to educate and support CAB.”
The EMF Safety Network received many complaints about the CPUC’s response to complaints. We sent a freedom of information request and asked them “Who tells the Consumer Affairs Branch, and the public advisors office what to tell people who call with complaints about Smart Meters? Who, or what authority instructs these two divisions on how to respond to ratepayers?”
The CPUC attorney responded with: “Phil Enis, a Program Manager with the Commission’s Consumer Service and Information Division, advises the Consumer Affairs Branch regarding responses to customers with complaints about Smart Meters. Karen Miller, the Public Advisor, also of the Commission’s Consumer Service and Information Division, advises the Public Advisor’s Office staff regarding responses to customers with complaints about Smart Meters.”
No mention of PG&E’s intimate involvement instructing CAB how to respond to Smart Meter complaints.
Thousands of smart meter complaints and the CPUC has never investigated the health risks of pulsed radiation smart meters. Not once has the issue of smart meter safety been addressed in evidentiary hearings.
The CPUC rubber stamped PG&E’s safety claims, based on a declaration from one PG&E employee.
At the core of the debacle is President Michael Peevey who has been the Commissioner for all the major smart meter proceedings. Remember the reassurances the CPUC gave about how the opt-out proceeding would be completed over a year ago? Nothing has happened in the proceeding since January of 2013. The CPUC has filed five delays since last December.
The CPUC is promoting smart meters, they are not regulating the utilities to ensure safe and reliable utility service.
This casual culture is also evidenced by CFEE meetings where CPUC Commissioners and utility representatives meet. At this meeting Commissioners Nancy Ryan, President Peevey and PG&E’s Bottorff are present. It’s business as usual that former Commissioner Loretta Lynch says is illegal and should not be happening.
We support the demands by the City of San Bruno to establish a culture that prioritizes “safety first” at the CPUC.
We support the immediate removal of Michael Peevey.
We support immediate legislation requiring the removal of any and all CPUC employees who have previously been employed by utilities.
We condemn the CPUC for repeated delays in the current smart meter proceedings where fees for opting out are being challenged on the basis of safety and medical needs.
We demand the CPUC hold evidentiary hearings on smart meter safety.
PG&E’s smart pig Peevey
A cultural change focused on safety first should be the CPUC’s highest priority. Join San Bruno residents and others and demand the removal of CPUC President Peevey. (Petition now closed)
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has delayed the smart meter opt out proceeding (A-11-03-014) for a fifth time- until Oct 4, 2014.
According to their own rules they were supposed to complete the proceeding in December 2013. They say the reason for the delay is “The issues in this proceeding are complex and require additional time to resolve.”
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is responsible for protecting utility customers and ensuring safe and reliable utility service.
Michael Peevey, the President of the CPUC, has been in charge of the decisions regarding smart meters. He approved wireless smart meters without any safety review. He approved smart meter opt-out fees without any legal review.
Peevey cussed out an attorney who’s asking questions at a public hearing.
Do you have questions about utility smart meters? President Peevey can be reached at He doesn’t want to hear from you!
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) delayed the smart meter opt-out proceeding again, until August, 2014. The purpose of the proceeding is to determine if the opt opt fees are lawful, and if communities can opt out. By law, the CPUC was supposed to resolve this last December. Considering the CPUC already approved the fees and utilities are charging them, it’s wrong to keep stalling.
Are you refusing to pay smart meter opt out fees? Have you been threatened with a disconnect notice? Have you had your power cut off by PGE, SCE or SDGE for refusing to pay the fees? Since the opt-out fees were charged before evidentiary hearings were held, there’s no proof that the fees are lawful. You can let the CPUC know how you feel about this by writing to the (Reference proceeding A.11-03014)
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) once again delayed the smart meter opt-out proceeding by another two months, until April 7, 2014. The opt out proceeding started nearly three years ago, amid a strong customer backlash against the overcharging, privacy snatching, radiation emitting smart meters and demand for the return of the analog meters.
In 2012, customers were ordered to pay extortion fees to retain or restore an analog meter, even though the CPUC never held hearings on the legality of those fees, or investigated the safety complaints.
In 2012, briefs were filed arguing the fees were unlawful, testimony was taken, evidentiary hearings and five public hearings were held. A second round of briefs, based on the testimony and hearings were filed in January of 2013. Read the EMF Safety Network’s brief here.
The opt out proceeding is in the hands of CPUC judge Amy Yip-Kikugawa who said she would rule on the legal issues in January of 2013. A full year later, no rulings or decisions have been issued and the discussion on the right for a community to opt out is still pending. Nothing has happened for a full year, except delays.
The Commissioner overseeing the proceeding is Michael Peevey who cannot be trusted to care about utility customers when he is personally invested in a “green” technology economy. Peevey is on the board of The California Clean Energy Fund, a multi-million dollar investment fund created to “spur investment and innovation in California’s clean energy economy.”
“With world-renown research universities and a supportive policy-making climate, California has proven to be a leader in developing clean energy innovations,” said Michael R. Peevey, chairman of CalCEF and president of the California Public Utilities Commission. “CalCEF’s investment strategy to help commercialize these innovations fills an important need in realizing California’s goal of becoming the world’s premier clean energy economy.”
Peevey is also an advisor for the UC Davis Energy Effiency Center, and the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy.
The CPUC states they need more time on the opt-out proceeding because the issues are complex and require additional time to resolve.
Are you frustrated and fed up with the CPUC’s lack of safety oversight and extortion fees? The California State Auditor conducts investigations into improper governmental activities by state agencies. They take anonymous complaints from the public and whistle blowers:
By phone: (800) 952-5665
By mail: Investigations California State Auditor P.O. Box 1019 Sacramento, CA 95812
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) just extended the deadline for the smart meter opt-out proceeding to Feb 6, 2014. By statutory deadline it was supposed to conclude within 18 months, or on Dec. 8, 2013. They are extending it for 60 days, but I’ll be surprised if they complete it within that time, as they must address community opt-out, and need to write proposed decisions on the legal briefs and opening briefs. The reasons they cite for the delay include the issues are complex and they need more time to resolve.
Earlier this month California state legislators grilled the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on it’s lax safety oversight and financial problems. President Michael Peevey was caught by a TV investigative reporter at a winery conference, instead of answering questions at a senate hearing in Sacramento: Peeveys Priority: Senate Hearing or Napa Winery? Legislators voted to wipe out the CPUC’s $1.4 billion budget to “force the regulatory agency to justify how it spends its money.”
On Thursday May 23, PG&E customers continue to demand safe utility oversight from the CPUC. President Peevey started off the CPUC business meeting by saying since everyone had been there before he’d skip the safety instructions for the building.
Garril Page, of Marin County was one of a group of PG&E customers who spoke at their business meeting during public comments. She said this:
“Lax oversight and failure to regulate too-cozy utilities… How often does this require restatement before there is corrective action?
It is not Jack Hagan’s military mind we need, but a surgical strike at the head of the CPUC, to stop unsafe, unreliable conditions, abuse of funds and fiscal improprieties.
The public is threatened by deferred maintenance of utility infrastructure, improperly regulated, radiation-spewing devices, overburdened power poles loaded with snooping, profit-producing, data collectors that topple and burn.
The CPUC used bureaucratic box-checking to conceal the number of exploding underground vaults. How will the truth about power pole fires be hidden?
The truth about Smart Meters is being revealed despite the CPUC’s apparent indifference to scientific research and aversion to public testimony.
No amount of a carcinogen is safe, radiation effects are cumulative, the damage is irreversible, and for the privilege of toxic exposure we are charged opt-out fees.
The California Public Utilities Commission: where the public gets burned and corporations get rate increases.”
Bravo Garril! There were many other terrific speakers too.