Medical and Scientific Experts Call for Safe Technologies in Schools

A UK advocacy group, has recently published ‘Safe Schools 2012’. Medical and Scientific Experts Call for Safe Technologies in Schools.


“More Medical Associations, medical doctors and scientists, many of whom work on the biological effects of wireless technologies, have expressed their concerns about the safety of wireless devices for schools. They are asking for wired information and communication technologies to be used in order to safeguard children and young people, protect and promote healthy development and maximise learning and achievement.

These experts do not agree with the health protection agencies which currently support or allow the use of microwave, radiofrequency-emitting technologies by children and young people in schools.

Other authorities have also called for the protection of children from wireless technologies.

  • Council of Europe: Mobile phone use by pupils in schools to be strictly regulated and wired internet connections to be preferred (Resolution 1815, 2011).
  • World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency radiation as a possible human carcinogen, class 2B (2011).
  • UK Trades Union Congress (TUC): Caution should be taken to prevent exposure to Class 2B carcinogens in the workplace.
  • European Environment Agency: All reasonable measures to be taken to reduce exposures to electromagnetic fields, especially radiofrequencies from mobile phones and particularly the exposures to children and young adults. Current exposure limits to be reconsidered.
  • International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety (ICEMS): Strongly advise limited use of cell phones, and other similar devices, by young children and teenagers.
  • Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection have recommended the use of wired networks in schools and educational institutions, rather than wireless broadband systems, including Wi-Fi8 . “It is our professional obligation not to damage the children’s health by inactivity.”
  • German Government and Israeli Parliament recommended wired computer networks for schools or workplaces.
  • Several countries have advised children and young people to limit their use of mobile/smart/cell phones.

This document serves to inform schools, Governing Bodies, Academy Trusts, School Boards, Education Authorities, teachers and parents of the professional, medical and scientific concerns about children using wireless technologies in schools. The information can be used to implement safe school policies, practices and guidance in order to safeguard the health and development of children and young people and to aid cognitive abilities, learning and achievement.”

Does the FCC Plan to Rubber Stamp Outdated Cell Phone Radiation Standards?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct a formal review of the U.S. cell phone radiation standards according to a Bloomberg news report: “FCC. Wireless Devices and Health Concerns.”

An FCC spokesperson emailed a statement to a Bloomberg reporter that is truly alarming. Her message suggests that the FCC has already decided that the current standards are fine, and will conduct a review to rubber stamp the 1996 FCC guidelines:

“Tammy Sun, a spokeswoman for the agency, said in an e-mailed statement. The notice won’t propose rules, Sun said.

‘Our action today is a routine review of our standards,’ Sun said. ‘We are confident that, as set, the emissions guidelines for devices pose no risks to consumers.'”

The Bloomberg article cites a major review of the literature conducted by our research center in which we found an association between mobile phone use and increased brain tumor risk especially after 10 years of cell phone use:

“There is possible evidence linking mobile-phone use to an increased risk of tumors, according to a study of scientific studies and articles that was published in 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.”

The research we reviewed and subsequent research strongly suggest that the current standards for cell phone radiation are not adequate to protect us from health risks associated with exposure to cell phone radiation. A year ago, a 31-member group of experts convened by the World Health Organization agreed with our conclusions and classified cell phone radiation a “possible carcinogen.”

The FCC standards were established in 1996 at a time when few adults used cell phones. Today, children and most adults are exposed to far more cell phone radiation than the FCC-approved test models are subjected to when new cell phones are certified. Moreover, the test assumes that cell phones can harm us only by heating tissue. This is not true as there are numerous studies that demonstrate non-thermal effects from cell phone radiation including increased glucose metabolism in the brain, generation of heat shock proteins, free radicals, and double-strand DNA breaks; penetration of the blood-brain barrier, damage to sperm and increased male infertility.

The FCC admits on its web site* that “there is no federally developed national standard for safe levels of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy.” “The FCC’s guidelines and rules regarding RF exposure are based upon standards developed by IEEE and NCRP and input from other federal agencies.”

I have grave concerns if the FCC continues to rely on industry-funded expert groups because our research found that industry-funded epidemiologic research was generally of lower quality and biased against finding harmful effects. Dr. Henry Lai at the University of Washington has come to a similar conclusion in his analysis of the toxicology research.

In my opinion, it is premature to adopt new safety standards because we need more research that is independent of the wireless industry’s influence. The Federal government needs to sponsor a major research initiative on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation. Martin Blank and Reba Goodman from Columbia University recently published a paper in the journal, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, calling for the development of a biologically-based measure of electromagnetic radiation (abstract below).

In the interim, to protect cell phone users we must adopt and disseminate precautionary health warnings that promote safer cell phone use. Although The FCC web site provides some simple steps to reduce exposure to cell phone radiation, it “does not endorse the need for these practices.” A dozen nations and the city of San Francisco have issued precautionary warnings about cell phone use to its citizens. It is time for our Federal government to do so.

Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.
Director Center for Family and Community Health
The UC Berkeley Prevention Research Center
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Join Multi-Unit Residents Speaking Out About Smart Meters! CPUC June 21

Residents of multi-unit dwellings and interested others: COME JOIN PG&E CUSTOMERS WHO WILL SPEAK AT THE CPUC on Thursday, June 21.

A group of residents from low-income senior housing communities in Marin will protest opt-out fees, calling attention to unfair challenges that a punitive, extortionate opt-out program presents to multi-unit building residents who want to live in a SmartMeter-free environment.

Where: California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness, S.F.

When: Thursday, June 21, 9:00 a.m.. Sign in from 8:30 to 8:50.

CPUC Smart Meter Public Hearings: Choosing Four Locations

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will hold Smart Meter public participation hearings in four different locations sometime next fall.  The hearings will provide an opportunity for people to speak to the CPUC about Smart Meters, and the Smart Meter opt-out program.

The CPUC has asked the EMF Safety Network to determine the four locations.  If you are a California utility customer, please take this survey today, which will help decide which locations will be chosen. It’s just a few questions and your feedback is super important. This survey is now closed.

Cell Phones and Breasts- A Bad Connection

Environmental Health Trust circulated this video today to warn women about the serious health risk of tucking their cell phones into their bras.  They state, “Growing numbers of young women in this fast-paced connected society keep their phones in their bras, hijabs (headscarves), or pockets–unaware of manufacturers’ hidden warnings.”  The iphone manual states to keep the phone 5/8″ away from the body.

In 2009, the Breast Cancer Fund issued policy and research recommendations (State-of-the-Evidence-2008) to reduce exposure to radiation. They write:

“Decades of research indicate that exposure to EMF is associated with many adverse health effects including breast cancer (in both men and women) and other cancers, neurodegenerative diseases and impaired immune function. Existing public exposure standards for EMF are inadequate to protect public health because they are based on a short-term (30-minute) thermal effect.”

The Breast Cancer Fund Federal Policy Recommendations:

  • Based on the scientific evidence set forth in The Bioinitiative Report and a growing body of additional research, exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation should be set at the federal level for:
  • Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF), including power lines, appliances, interior electric wiring an other devices; and
  • Long term and cumulative radiofrequency (RF) radiation from outdoor pulsed sources including cell phone antennas, radar, TV and FM broadcast antennas and wireless internet antennas, and from indoor sources including cell phones, wireless internet equipment and radiation that permeates buildings from outdoor sources.
  • With the setting of federal limits for non-ionizing radiation, special protections should be required for homes, schools and places where children spend large amounts of time.”

“You Ain’t Nothin But a Dumb Meter”- Spotlight on Ellen and Tobie Cecil

Join Anna Logmeter as she does the “Dumb Meter” dance and sings this Smart Meter parody to the tune of Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog”.

Anna Logmeter, aka Ellen Cecil and Tobie Cecil have been educating and helping others protect their homes from electromagentic radiation Smart Meters for the past two years.  They manage a 70 unit apartment building in Monterey County in which they have circulated a petition opposing Smart Meters, and built cages around the analog meters to protect the multi-age residents who live there.

Ellen writes,”Tobie and I began our “Most Excellent Smart Meter Adventure” over two years ago because of our Biblical belief that we should love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. Tobie also wanted to protect his employer from the potential disaster inherent in these digital time bombs.” Tobie has been called a “true folk hero” by a Monterey Herald writer because of his heroic efforts to protect their residents.

They recently published this article in a trade magazine for Apartment owners and managers:  AOA Why “Smart Meters” Are Not Smart For You! 

You can hear more Smart Meter tunes from Ellen and friends: Rap: “A-2-Z Smart Meter Rap (24/7 Ray Freaks)”and blues “Smart Meter Blues”.

Help Elvis and Anna “pull the plug on Smart Meters!”

(You Ain’t Nothin’ but a) “Dumb Meter”

You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
You got me cryin’ all the time.
You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
You got me cryin’ all the time.
Well, you ain’t never been smart
And you ain’t no meter of mine!

They said you was high-tech
But your pulses make me fry.
They said you was high-tech
But your pulses make me fry.
Well, you ain’t never saved me money
‘Cuz your promises are nothin’ but a lie.

They said you was clean and green
But you’re just a ball o’ slime.
They said you was clean and green
But you’re just a ball o’ slime.
Well, you ain’t never been natural–
Now you’re breakin’ my heart and that’s a crime.

You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
Your eyes are spyin’ all the time.
You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
Your eyes are spyin’ all the time.
Well, you ain’t never seen the truth
Now your cheatin’ ways have gone and made you blind.

They said you was high-tech
But your pulses make me fry.
They said you was high-tech
But your pulses make me fry.
Well, you ain’t never saved me money
And your promises are nothin’ but a lie.

You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
You got me cryin’ all the time.
You ain’t nothin’ but a Dumb Meter;
You got me cryin’ all the time.
Well, you ain’t never been smart
And you ain’t no meter of mine!

Parody Copyright 2011 by Ellen Cecil

CPUC Smart Meter Opt-Out Proceeding Phase 2 Begins

On May 16, 2012, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) prehearing conference was held in San Francisco to establish the scope of the second phase of the Smart Meter opt-out proceeding. The scope was intended to address opt-out cost, allocation of cost (who pays) and the rights of whole communities to opt-out. Parties are also asking for hearings on Smart Meter health and safety impacts, and commercial rights to be included in the scope of phase two. EMF Safety Network’s comments can be heard at 24:50. Read the Network PHC Statement. More information including part 2 of the video taping of this proceeding visit Ecological Options Network.