The Federal government is once again trying to take away local authority over cell towers. Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced the STREAMLINE Small Cell Deployment Act (S.3157).
S. 3157 is similar to a California Senate bill, SB 649, which would have stripped local authority over cell towers. Governor Brown vetoed SB 649 in October 2017.
The National League of Cities (NLC) opposes S. 3157. They wrote, “Despite urging from NLC and other local government advocates during the bill’s drafting phase, many preemptive provisions remain in the bill, including limiting the actions local governments can take on small cell wireless facility siting in an effort to make deployments cheaper, faster, and more consistent across jurisdictions.”
Here’s an easy way to take action. They NLC will send a letter directly to your representatives in Congress for you. You will need to insert your zip code, (and maybe your full address), and then the letter template will appear.
PLEASE NOTE: Instead of using their letter, which has statements of support for small cells, copy and paste the words below.
As a constituent, I am writing to express my opposition to the “Streamlining The Rapid Evolution And Modernization of Leading-edge Infrastructure Necessary to Enhance (STREAMLINE) Small Cell Deployment Act” (S. 3157).
S. 3157 is similar to a California bill (SB 649) which would have created a state mandated system of cell towers and eliminated local review and safety oversight. SB 649 was opposed by 300 cities, 47 counties and over 100 community, planning, health, environment and justice organizations. SB 649 was vetoed SB 649 by Governor Brown on October 15, 2017.
The threat of public and environmental harm from wireless radiation is real and growing. Local control is needed to ensure community safety, welfare and compliance with federal, state, and local laws.
Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable.
International independent scientists are calling for biologically-based public exposure standards and reducing wireless radiation.
S. 3157 represents a direct affront to traditionally-held local authority. S. 3157 introduces an unnecessary, one-size-fits-all preemption of local jurisdiction. The bill also imposes unfair and inappropriate timelines on local governments.
For more information see this joint letter to Congress asking you to oppose any and all bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion:
Thank you!
Please see the left side column under EMFscience. Dr. Martin Pall’s work here:
“Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable.”
I am interested in reading these peer-reviewed studies. Could you please provide links to these?
5G will kill us. This must be stopped!!!!! It is literally frying and scrambling our biological cells.
Thank you so much! Have you, Josh Hart, or other major smartmeter activists heard of this:
Open source software that enables individuals to organize in the pursuit of shared goals:
(IMO, pursuance should hook up with thrivemovement, if they’ve not done so already)
Perhaps the pursuance project can be used to turn Anti-Smart-Meter goals into a Nationwide movement, vs. state-by-state. Is there a way, somehow, that there can be a national class-action lawsuit against the federal government for allowing this to happen?
I made a mini fold-up flyer, and still working on trying to get hold of a certain store manager when he’s not busy, to see if i can interest him and/or have him allow me to distribute flyers there. Then there’s the matter of finding out the cost of printing flyers, which will probably be too much. I already sent off a petition with over 100 signatures. Thus far, they’ve predictably kept on putting me off with all sorts of delaying tactics. Finally the senator’s office sent me the cover letter they’d sent the PSC (with the petition). Again predictably, it didn’t assertively address the main point, namely “No-Fee Analog Meter Choice”, rather was wishy-washy. The other office said they’d try to find the cover letter when they’re “not busy”. I’ve yet to hear from them. As for the governor’s office – they’re the least civil & responsive of all.
So there you have it – our wonderful government in lumbering & slumbering action.
Yes, you, anyone, can use the Narelle cartoons on the website. I’m not sure if they are in the “public domain”, or if any of the other cartoons posted on the website are. We’ve paid to have some created, gotten direct permission for some, and some not. Since you are using them for activism and for the public good, go ahead and use them. However, if someone asks you to stop using them, then stop.
i’m finding it so frustrating not to be able to reach various smartmeter cartoonists to ask them about usage-rights so i can distribute them in order to spread the word about this descending horror in my locale.
People READ the post to be able to impact the government. This comment goes to the organization. Use the link in the email to post to your Congressman/woman and Senators.
Stop 5G and the dangers it can cause to the children, elderly and everyone, everything on the planet. We must wait for a safe alternate method. Everyone knows that RF, EMF and MW cause health problems. Thank you!
Hugely appreciate EMF Safety Network providing this avenue for reaching legislators with vital information.
This powerful magnetic field transmission is not proven to be safe for long term human exposure. I do not approve of becoming a “guinea pig” for this experiment.
They should go straight to Li-Fi, which supposedly is safer than wi-fi.
5G is going to be a disaster
Please stop this. There must be local control over cell towers!
Please note, this post is not a petition! Do click on this link and copy and paste the comments on their website so the letter goes to your Congress representatives:
Leave a legacy that all the future generations of your family can really be proud of you for !!
Please halt this regarding taking control from the local gov. regarding these cell towers.
Please BAN this 5 G tech. IT is very very dangerous!!!
Thank You!!!
Carmeletta Louden
9-13-18 For 2 days the EMF and brain RNM feels as if somewhere
the threat and desire for human mental physical wellness has been heard! Austin, TX Hope the wires in cyber are in harmony with the wholeness of atmospheric PEACE!
Post office closed- it too was hacked when I was RNM brain blown,
a space contraption in Florida was taken down, Cyber Force…and world peace? I think we CAN recover…
I am opposed to the Small Cell Deployment Act (S.3157) not only as a Realtor seeing property values dive near cell towers but also based on my research on RF/MW.
It is imperative that the 5G network be curtailed. I have been informed by reliable sources that if 5G spreads, we will see a huge attrition of pollinators that affect our food supply and other systems and more declines in health from a proliferating microwaves, an invisible source of pollution aka Electro-Smog. We should not take away local area rights to make pivotal decisions affecting their communities including real estate values.
We do not need faster download of data, games, films, NO we do not need or want that. Also apx. 30% of Internet use is for porn, not worth destroying health and environment for this.
Also many people are not in favor of driverless vehicles either: that will be a short lived trend and should not even be allowed to develop. Even Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola and many national voices are raising alarms about this latest truly heinous technology _fix_ called 5G – 5 Genocide is the more apt term. Thank you for OPPOSING this bill. The alternative is unthinkable.
We must do everything we can to protect the Earth. Going to Mars is a Pipedream. The Earth is our home. Spent the money to protect it.
As a constituent, I am writing to express my opposition to the “Streamlining The Rapid Evolution And Modernization of Leading-edge Infrastructure Necessary to Enhance (STREAMLINE) Small Cell Deployment Act” (S. 3157).
S. 3157 is similar to a California bill (SB 649) which would have created a state mandated system of cell towers and eliminated local review and safety oversight. SB 649 was opposed by 300 cities, 47 counties and over 100 community, planning, health, environment and justice organizations. SB 649 was vetoed SB 649 by Governor Brown on October 15, 2017.
The threat of public and environmental harm from wireless radiation is real and growing. Local control is needed to ensure community safety, welfare and compliance with federal, state, and local laws.
Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable.
International independent scientists are calling for biologically-based public exposure standards and reducing wireless radiation.
S. 3157 represents a direct affront to traditionally-held local authority. S. 3157 introduces an unnecessary, one-size-fits-all preemption of local jurisdiction. The bill also imposes unfair and inappropriate timelines on local governments.
For more information see this joint letter to Congress asking you to oppose any and all bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion:
Thank you!