3 thoughts on “Toxic smart meters hurt people”

  1. I live in Asheville, NC. In January, 2014, my utility company changed to Duke Energy Progress, the transformer behind my home blew up and after power was restored, I begin to have painful head pressure, ringing/clanging noise in my ears, insomnia and ill health. I sought medical evaluation and care, but the only relief was to leave my home. During this time, Duke Energy Progress replaced the digital meter that my neighborhood and I had with a “meter that Duke Energy has little experience with”. The high frequency signal coming from/to this meter invades my entire house and area around the house. This is especially intense and painful at night. All appeals and requests for monitoring to city, county, state and federal agencies who may have oversight for this have been ignored. I may have to sell my home because I have not been able to spend the night there and have arranged for a bed in someone else’s home until I could resolve this (now over a year). Ethically, it is difficult for me to put my home on the market because given my location, it will most likely be a young family who buys my home and I have not allowed pregnant women or young children in my home for fear of damage to them. So, I am seeking a monitoring service to document this before I consider selling: someone called an ‘environmental engineer’…Do you have any information how to contact this service in North Carolina. Additionally, I know that others in my area have had problems with Duke Energy Progress electrical meters since last January, resulting in similar adverse health consequences, but I do not know how to contact them to share our experiences and organize. Do you have any suggestions. Any help will be appreciated. Sincerely, Barbara King

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