Network News

JANUARY 20, 2025

Law & public policy

SafeTechHawaii has succeeded in getting a tower relocated; the tower lease was not renewed, so the installation must be moved. Public pressure has also advanced a significant bill/ordinance in the face of a contradictoory telecom-favoring bill introduced by a former planning director. Current planning commissioners have given the bill with the stricter standards for telecom (Bill 194) favorable recommendations. To read more about the Tale of Two
Residents of Minden, Nevada (about 20 miles from Lake Tahoe) have temporarily stopped Verizon from putting up two 5G cell towers in their community near where children learn and play. To voice opposition at a hearing, so many people came to speak that they formed a line out the door. As in Hawaii, the battle is not over. Full story by Children’s Health Defense:

Arizona Board of Supervisors rules against placement of 120-ft
tower near a community designed for residents sensitive to EMFs.
The Snowflake, AZ community was established over 30 years ago for individuals with “Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Electrical Sensitivity.” The rural location provides a rare sanctuary where residents can live without constant exposure to these triggers.  Arizona county denies controversial cell tower near sensitive community – EHN


STOP 5G  is a one-stop resource that provides you and your community with all of the information and tools you need to effectively protect your children from the reckless expansion of cell towers and small cell installations in your neighborhood, and near your children’s schools. Citizens can get help opposing existing or proposed towers or challenging SmartMeter mandates. Introduction on Jan. 21 at 4:00 PT on: XFacebookInstagramLinkedIn. Recording will be available.


The bill establishes the authority for municipalities to regulate the construction, deployment, and operation of 5G wireless facilities within their jurisdiction and also repeals a chapter relative to the deployment of personal wireless service facilities.

Indiana, Mississippi, Wyoming and Utah join the effort:

While these acts represent meaningful progress, many yet need sharper teeth with respect to enforcement.
More here:

Microwave radiation plays a role in weather control. Excerpt from this informative flyer. “Deployments of GeoEngineering contaminants including cloud-seeding aerosols and radiofrequency / microwave (RF/MW) radiation emissions, subject our Earth to highly unnatural hazards.” Printable Flyer__A4ACA_Americans4ACleanAtmosphere

☀️Interested in legislation like this for California/your state? This quick message will go to your legislator: HERE

Landline Update

Entities granted “party” status in the CPUC Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) proceedings (Telecom providers, Public Advocates Office, organizations such as TURN, EMF Safety Network, etc.) are submitting filings on the Rulemaking issue preparatory to the eventual issuance of Scope and Scheduling.

🚩It’s important that individuals and groups continue to submit comments to DOCKET R.24-06-12. Comments accumulated on this page form a permanent record available to key CPUC personnel, all members of the public, carriers, industry organizations, etc. The previous docket (AT&T’s application to be relieved of its COLR obligation) accumulated over five-thousand comments. Comments on the new docket card have doubled since the last alert here, but as parties deliberate, members of the public would do well to keep submitting comments.


Click on Add Public Comments: (To access all the documents and comments filed so far in the proceeding click on tabs at the top.) 
The company insists that no customer will be left without voice or 911 service

Science & health 

Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale write, “As the new Trump administration prepares to take possession of the White House, it will be facing a flurry of aggressive bills to expand 5G and wireless technologies. The media blackout about these policies and their long-term impact upon the average American’s lives and their physical and mental health remains largely unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans (red ours). Currently, Congress is considering over 60 bills that would fast-track deployment of wireless infrastructure thereby bypassing crucial safety, environmental, and public health safeguards and federal oversight. . . These bills demonstrate a clear prioritization of private industry’s interests and profits over public and environmental health.”
Null and Gale conclude: “The American public is being bamboozled with blatant falsehoods to embrace 5G as a necessary and innovative technology that will benefit and improve their lives. But the real truth is the exact opposite. The future of the nation’s health and the environment hangs in the balance. Without swift and decisive action to address the dangers posed by EMF radiation, the country will face a preventable catastrophe of monumental proportions.”
This comprehensive, responsible article is a good share:


Of particular note is a paper attacking the WHO’s Systemic Reviews on the Association Between RF Exposure and Health EffectsThe author of the paper, Dr. James C. Lin, Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, and a former ICNIRP Commissioner,  is “one of the world’s most renowned scientists who has studied the effects of radio frequency radiation.” Lin concludes that the reviews are “severely flawed,” and “threaten to undermine the trustworthiness and professionalism of the WHO-EMF project in the area of human health hazards from man-made RF radiation.”
Microwave News calls the Reviews “old wine in new bottles:”

Space technology 


Jessica Rozenworcel emphasized the increasing role of satellites in global wireless communications policy, highlighting that at the upcoming 2027 World Radiocommunication Conference, over 80 percent of the agenda items will be related to satellites or space.


“A massive round metal object plummeted from above landing on farmland near a dry riverbed – and it was piping hot.”


“Free the Sky” Comments on Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for SpaceX Starship/SuperHeavy Increased Cadence—A poorly publicized proceeding and the FAA’s patently false conclusion of “no significant environmental impacts.

Next: Vandenberg
Guest post by Nina Beety on Patricia Burke’s Safe Tech International substack. Comments re: 

🚩See end of Beety’s attention-getting post for action to take by January 27.

Feature: SAFE TECH INTERNATIONAL’S SARAH AMINOFF CREATIVELY INFORMS ABOUT IMPACTS OF STARLINK, BY ASKING, “What would Captain Kirk Say if Starlink Interfered With the Prime Directive? What would the fictional 23rd century character in Star Trek say about so many Satellites’ launches punching holes in the ozone layer, satellite collisions and light pollution?  Kirk serves in the fictional Starfleet, a space force maintained by the interstellar government United Federation of Planets. In our present day, we have a Federation of Scientists who warn about averting environmental risks in the new space age, they believe we face an existential crisis created by the launch of so many new ‘mega constellations’ of thousands of satellites in the part of space near Earth called ‘Low Earth Orbit’ (LEO).”

Thank you for taking action on banning weather modification in CA, for submitting a new comment on the CPUC landline docket and posting a comment on increased satellite launches.

OCTOBER 28, 2024 

Landline update


The status of the proceedings (Docket #R2406012) can be found at the link immediately below, where you can click on a menu bar to see action to date. Although no public comments have been filed yet, you are most welcome to do so by clicking on Public Comments.


EMF Safety Network’s filing for party status was accepted by the CPUC. Proceedings are open to all stakeholders who file/are accepted for party status, including carriers, advocacy organizations like TURN, etc. A list of parties can be seen by clicking on Documents. You can read EMF Safety Network “comments” by scrolling to September 30.  Party status entitles EMFSN to receive all relevant proceedings, documents, decisions, etc. so we will keep you informed.

Direct link to EMF Safety Network 5-page filing:


“. . . pushback from California consumers proved that many Americans are still passionate about their old-fashioned landlines.”

Living an electrosensitive life


“This town has no cell service, so the ‘electrosensitive’ have made it home”

“A few dozen people, in and around Green Bank, W.Va., have retreated from the signals of modern life, and found each other.(Note: the link below may require a subscription or a one-time fee.)

🚩In our view, this piece stands above previous features on Green Bank for its obvious respect for the residents, their needs and their cautious willingness to share their experiences with a reporterNote that the author admits that the residents “think I’ll get it wrong”—as previous writers have done, at least in part.  

Note: Comments are now closed for this article, but you may thank the reporter. National Call For Safe Technology ( made the following observation: “It was a thoughtful article delving into the reasons why (the residents) moved there, although it did not go into the science. It would be great if he would do another article delving deeper into the subject.”  To send a comment to the reporter:


Health & science


Dr. Henry Lai, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, Editor Emeritus of the journal, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, and an emeritus member of the International Commission on the Biological Effects of EMF, has compiled summaries of the research on the biological effects of exposure to radio frequency (RFR) and extremely low frequency (ELF) and static electromagnetic fields (EMF). His set of abstracts which covers the period from 1990 to October 2024 constitutes a comprehensive collection of the peer-reviewed research.

From Dr. Joel Moskowitz: “Dr. Lai reports that the preponderance of the research has found that exposure to RFR or ELF EMF produces oxidative effects or free radicals, and damages DNA. Moreover the preponderance of RFR studies that examined genetic, neurological and reproductive effects has found significant effects. Among hundreds of studies of RFR, 71% to 89% reported significant effects. Among hundreds of studies of ELF and static fields, 75% to 90% reported significant effects.”


As part of his ongoing education on cellular health, he includes a section here on EMFs. “Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and EMFs from devices like cellphones and Wi-Fi routers pose significant risks to mitochondrial function, necessitating practical steps to reduce exposure.”  He points to telecom industry lies. “They promote the idea that non-ionizing radiation is safe because it doesn’t cause immediate thermal damage. This misleading narrative ignores the long-term, chronic effects of EMF exposure, which accumulate over time and contribute to a host of health problems, including cancer, neurological disorders and reduced cellular energy.”


New article includes a recent report from South Korea (posted here previously) “Peer-reviewed studies showing a link between brain cancer and cellphone radiation are piling up — contradicting a recent World Health Organization (WHO)-led study that claimed there’s no evidence of a link. South Korean researchers — who analyzed 24 studies and published their report on Oct. 10 in Environmental Health — found significantly higher risks for malignant brain tumors, meningioma and glioma on the side of the head where cellphones were held.” Childrens Health Defense: cellphone radiation & brain cancer


Cutter can be counted on to present EMF technology and effects clearly and carefully. In his introduction to this attention-getting discussion, he says, “I’ve developed a profound appreciation for the uniquely destructive force known as WiFi.

From his sobering conclusion: “The harm it causes may extend far beyond the expected effects of measured RF intensity. At its core, WiFi is more than just an RF emitter—it introduces a complex set of additional stressors that amplify its impact. The continuous beacon signal, pulsing at 10Hz, mimics the brainwave fr equencies that govern our natural rhythms, like alpha waves, raising concerns about how this constant exposure could disrupt the brain’s normal functioning. In addition, the pulse-modulated nature of the RF transmission carrying data compounds the potential harm through a multiplier effect. These modulated emissions do not just affect the brain; they can leave an imprint on the body’s tissues, creating lasting trauma stored in the structured water that composes much of the human body.” Cutter: Why Is WiFi so uniquely harmful



Short article concisely explains why 5G hype was just that. “T-Mobile was one of the US carriers that never fully bought into the 5G mmWave hype and instead focused all of its early 5G efforts on using the mid-band 5G it acquired when it bought Sprint. As it turns out, that was the proper play for 5G, as mid-band 5G is both fast as hell, can reach large areas, and isn’t given a stiff-arm from a see-through window. The rest of the industry has since followed T-Mobile’s lead, most recently when everyone tried to buy as much C-Band spectrum (which is mid-band 5G) as they possibly could, while backing it up with all of the low-band 5G available. The spectrum that T-Mobile is giving up includes county-size areas around Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Atlanta, Miami, Brooklyn, Dallas, and Fort Worth. They’ll still keep some 5G mmWave areas active in those cities (mostly in downtown sections), but the areas are a fraction of the size.”

Thank you for your ongoing interest!

Page with earlier editions of the EMF Safety Network News coming soon!

Stop the proposed faux watertower Cell Tower at 9300 Mill Station Rd., Sebastopol

Stop Fake Watertower Cell Tower- 9300 Mill Station, Sebastopol

On Oct. 8, 2024,, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a 70 ft., T-Mobile cell tower for 9300 Mill Station Rd., Sebastopol.

The installer (Vertical Bridge) plans to make this twelve antenna T-Mobile cell tower look like a faux water tower to “blend in with the neighborhood.” The vote was 3-2, with Supervisors Lynda Hopkins and Susan Gorin voting against it. Now neighbors plan to take this to court!

This proposed tower first came before the Bureau of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) in March 2023. The BZA made a careful and in depth analysis over four public meetings and on June 13, 2024, they unanimously denied the tower, and for good reason!

Their final determination stated that the tower was “inconsistent with the surrounding neighboring residences and the character of the community….” The project was also “considered detrimental to the health, safety, peace and comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general welfare of the area in particular.”

Vertical Bridge was not happy with the decision.  They filed an appeal before the Board of Supervisors and had the BZA denial overturned. It was obvious to all of us in attendance that the Supervisors already had their minds made up to approve the tower prior to the public meeting on Oct. 8th. They had enough good evidence to deny the tower, but they ignored it all.

If this tower is allowed to be built, will our local governments ever stop a cell tower ANYWHERE for ANY REASON?

We have to stand up to this injustice and stand behind the neighbors to protect their right to privacy, safety, and quality of life.

You can help the court case for the Mill Station neighbors by making a tax deductible donation to EMF Safety Network, a 501(c)(3) organization. We have now become a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION and all donations made directly to the EMF Safety Network are tax deductible to the full extent of the law!

Please send your donation to EMF Safety Network, PO Box 342, Windsor, CA 95492 or use the Donation button on this page. Any amount would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

The EMF Safety Network team


Sebastopol: Rethink smart water meters

Years of support for reducing EMF’s in Sebastopol evaporated in October 2021, when the city council unanimously approved smart water meters.

We hired attorney Ariel Strauss and he presented the city attorney with a compromise to only install the digital readers without antennas. The council rejected the compromise claiming the meters were a public good because of the drought. The council later approved a FREE opt out for anyone who doesn’t want the smart water meter. The meters are planned to be deployed in January 2023. 

Beware of Climate Washed Smart Water Meters!

Why did Sebastopol, who banned smart meters in 2013, do this?  Syserco, a registered contractor for PG&E, sold the 2.2 million dollar project to Sebastopol as a water and energy savings initiative. Council members promoted the meters as a climate action solution. When asked to provide clarifying information on the purported savings, Syserco wrote:

“…there has never been a claim that the new meters “save energy, save water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions”.

The real reason for the new meters according to Syserco is money.  However, Syserco did claim the meters would save water and were energy efficient, and the staff report called the meters a “green initiative”. This is climate-washing, the use of deceptive marketing spin.  Read more here. 


New study calls for EMF regulation to protect wildlife

There’s a new study by Blake Levitt, Henry Lai and Albert Manville: “Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environment”

It is time to recognize ambient EMF as a novel form of pollution and develop rules at regulatory agencies that designate air as ‘habitat’ so EMF can be regulated like other pollutants. Wildlife loss is often unseen and undocumented until tipping points are reached. Long-term chronic low-level EMF exposure standards, which do not now exist, should be set accordingly for wildlife, and environmental laws should be strictly enforced.


Global EMF Monitoring Call for volunteers

Can you BRAG about your city?

Dr. Magda Havas has initiated a Global EMF Monitoring project, calling for volunteers to measure EMF’s in their city.  So far there are almost 200 volunteers from 16 countries.  Here’s short breakdown of what’s required of volunteers.

    1. You will need to either have or purchase a Safe & Sound Pro RF meter (either Pro I or Pro II) available at . If you volunteer for the Global EMF Project they will give you a discount code.
    2. You will be measuring at 4 corners of 5 main intersections in your city which will take about 2 hours. Because this is a science project, it’s important to follow these instructions carefully.
    3. Watch this video below for how to measure a location.

4. When you’re measuring people might ask you questions about what you’re doing. You can give them this fact sheet which will explain why you are measuring and help to educate people.

5. To learn more details about this project go to their website at  and if you would like to volunteer please send a quick email to:

Save the analog meters in Maine

Maine Utilities New Smart Meter Scam

Simmering in the background with little notice since early 2019, Central Maine Power Company’s (CMP’s) proposal to get rid of analog electric utility meters opened for public comment at the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC). The comment period ends Monday the 22nd. (Docket 2019-00044)

In 2011 the MPUC ordered CMP to provide two “opt out” alternatives for customers who didn’t want the controversial smart meters, an electromechanical (analog) meter, and a “radio off” smart meter. CMP was ordered to retain enough analog meters for the opt out customers. At that time they had 600,000 analog meters.

CMP now claims they are out of analog meters. They are proposing to only offer “solid state” meters. Solid state meters are in fact smart meters. “CMP appears to have violated their requirement to keep enough electromechanical meters for opt out customers”, said Ed Friedman, spokesperson for the Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters. “If they truly “misplaced” or scrapped the approximately 594,500 meters not being used by current opt out customers, they need to be held accountable.” he added.

Former State Representative Andrea Boland pointed out CMP’s history of vacant pretenses of expertise and failures. “Now”,she said, “they set out to again dissemble and deceive in an attempt to convince the MPUC that smart meters are not smart meters and the order permitting opt-outs by customers (even at a hefty monthly penalty) is not a valid order.”

Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters wants to save the analogs because smart meters, including “radio off” smart meters, create dirty electricity which is a heath hazard.

Elisa Boxer, one of the original complainants to the MPUC in 2011 said: “We presented evidence from engineers and other experts that digital solid-state meters were not an acceptable alternative to analogs for several reasons, including the emission of transients onto the home wiring. Voltage transients, otherwise known as one type of “dirty electricity,” are spikes of electromagnetic interference (EMI) that travel along the wiring in the walls and have been implicated in cancer cases worldwide.” (see Woodward & Harding oscilloscope comparisons)

Woodward & Harding-Power Quality Comparison: Smart Meter v Analog
These emissions from home wiring may be one reason why smart meters have had such devastating health effects. Dr. Beatrice Golumb MD PhD, Professor of Medicine at UC San Diego said:  “Our survey study shows this smart meter induced electrical sensitivity often led to catastrophic impacts in the lives of those affected”. She requested the PUC “please ensure purely analog electromechanical meters remain available for those who wish them”, citing this as an issue of importance for the health of vulnerable members of the public.
Golumb, 2020, EMF Medical Conference 2021
Dr. Albert Manville, retired wildlife biologist specializing in bird impacts from towers, powerlines and wireless radiation wrote: “concerns with smart meters (with or without transmitters) include radiation sensitivity, cancers and other health problems caused by the radiation frequencies, issues with dirty electricity, high maintenance costs, privacy and hacking concerns, fire dangers, and unfair opt-out fees we pay each month (at best, our meter is read every other month but we’re billed each month – double dipping).”

Thanks to: Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters.

Landmark 5G study by New Hampshire legislative Commission recommends reducing wireless exposure

The state of New Hampshire established a legislative commission to study the environmental and health effects of 5G wireless technology in 2019.  They recently completed their final report which includes 15 recommendations to raise awareness, educate, promote oversight, and reduce radiofrequency radiation (RF, also known as wireless).

The commission met between September 2019 and October 2020 and included 13 members with backgrounds in physics, engineering electromagnetics, epidemiology, biostatistics, occupational health, toxicology, medicine, public health policy, business, law, and a representative from the wireless industry.

They were tasked with answering 8 questions which included: why the insurance industry has exclusions for RF damages; why cell phone manufacturers have legal advice warning about distance between cell phones and the body; why 1,000’s of peer-reviewed RF studies that show a wide range of health affects, including DNA damage, brain and heart tumors, infertility, and many other ailments, have been ignored by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC); why the FCC guidelines do not account for health effects of wireless; why the FCC RF limits are 100 times higher than other countries; why the FCC is ignoring the World Health Organization (WHO) classification of wireless as a possible carcinogen; why when the world’s leading scientists signed an appeal to protect public health from wireless radiation nothing has been done; and why the health effects of ever-growing numbers of pulse signals riding on the electromagnetic waves has not been explored.

Early on in their research the Commission learned that they could not discuss 5G without including all things wireless “…the Commission concluded that all things emitting radio frequency (RF) radiation needed to be considered together because of the interaction of all these waves.” At the heart of their discussion was whether or not RF affects humans, animals and nature. The introduction states:

There is mounting evidence that DNA damage can occur from radiation outside of the ionizing part of the spectrum.

The Commission heard from ten experts in physics, epidemiology, toxicology, and public policy. Everyone except the telecom representative acknowledged the large body of science showing RF-radiation emitted by wireless devices can effect humans, especially children, animals, insects, and plants.

The Commission endorsed 15 recommendations. “The objective of those recommendations is to bring about greater awareness of cell phone, wireless and 5G radiation health effects and to provide guidance to officials on steps and policies that can reduce public exposure.”  

The following is a summary of their recommendations. Only exact wording is quoted and italicized. See their final report for exact wording for all their recommendations.

  1. Engage the US government to require the FCC to do an independent review of the RF standards and RF health risks;
  2. Require NH state agencies to include links on their website(s) about RF-radiation from all sources, including 5G, and showing how to minimize exposure, as well as public service announcements warning of RF health risks especially to pregnant women and children.
  3. Require eye-level signage for every 5G antenna in the public rights- of-way.
  4. “Schools and public libraries should migrate from RF wireless connections for computers, laptops, pads, and other devices, to hard- wired or optical connections within a five-year period starting when funding becomes available.” [please note, we support hard-wired connections, but as far as we know optical connections, such as Lifi, have not been proven safe. It is unfortunate that it’s included in this recommendation.]
  5. Collect signal strength measurements including worst-case conditions for all wireless facilities, including when changes are made, and make that information public. If measurements exceed radiation thresholds, the municipality can take the facility offline. Measurements taken by an independent contractor and the cost paid by the installer.
  6. Establish new protocols for measuring RF to better evaluate signal characteristics, taking into account the high-data-rate radiation known to be harmful to human health. Enable the summative effects of multiple radiation sources to be measured.
  7. Require that any new wireless antennae be set back from residences, businesses, and schools.
  8. Upgrade the educational offerings by the NH Office of Professional Licensure and Certification (OPLC) to include RF measurements.
  9. The State of New Hampshire should develope a continually updated map of RF exposure levels across the state.
  10. “Strongly recommend all new cell phones and all other wireless devices sold come equipped with updated software that can stop the phone from radiating when positioned against the body.”
  11. “Promote and adopt a statewide position that would strongly encourage moving forward with the deployment of fiber optic cable connectivity, internal wired connections, and optical wireless to serve all commercial and public properties statewide.”
  12. “Further basic science studies are needed in conjunction with the medical community outlining the characteristics of expressed clinical symptoms related to radio frequency radiation exposure.”
  13. “Recommend the use of exposure warning signs to be posted in commercial and public buildings. In addition, encourage commercial and public buildings, especially healthcare facilities, to establish RF-radiation free zones where employees and visitors can seek refuge from the effects of wireless RF emissions.”
  14. “The State of New Hampshire should engage agencies with appropriate scientific expertise, including ecological knowledge, to develop RF-radiation safety limits that will protect the trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators.”
  15. “The State of New Hampshire should engage our Federal Delegation to legislate that under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) the FCC do an environmental impact statement as to the effect on New Hampshire and the country as a whole from the expansion of RF wireless technologies.”

This is a model of exemplary action by a state government. Please consider reading and sharing this landmark report with decision makers in your community and state in order to begin the reductions needed to protect people and nature from increasing exposure to RF radiation.

A minority report written by Senator James Gray, David Juvet (Business and Industry rep) and Bethanne Cooley (telecommunications rep) is included since they did not agree with the majority opinion. This minority report parrots the language of the telecommunications industry and exposes their agenda to ignore science and continue to confuse the public.

Special thanks to Cece Doucette, Theodora Scarato, the Environmental Health Trust, and the Senators, experts and committee members who collaborated on this important effort.

EMF Medical Conference 2021

The biological and health effects of electromagnetic field exposure are scientifically established and no longer deniable, and patients and clinicians are observing and documenting cases of EMF associated illness.

The EMF Medical Conference 2021, a virtual conference, will convene January 28-31, 2021 to review the latest exposure science. Leading physicians, clinicians, and scientists will conduct presentations on the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of EMF associated illness, and experts in EMF assessment will present proven methods that can prevent or limit EMF exposure hazards.  As a conference participant, you will receive:

  • 4 days of learning
  • 34 lectures
  • 6 panels
  • EMF Meter Workshop
  • Interactive format to meet fellow attendees
  • An interactive exhibit hall providing tools to enhance your practice
  • This conference has been approved for 16.5 hours of CME.

 For more information visit:

Preparatory conference with Magda Havas, Ph.D., Professor Emerita. Prepare for EMF Medical Conference 2021 by enrolling in our Virtual Pre-Conference Course: Electrosmog & Electrotherapeutics 101. Dr. Havas will provide a basic understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, anthropogenic sources of electrosmog, natural sources of electromagnetic frequencies and their role in bio-modulation. Course consists of 4 hours of instruction plus 2 hours for Q&A for 4 CME credits.

Date: October 23 and 24, 2020
Time: 8 am until 11 am Pacific time

  • Early Bird Special cost of course if you register by September 15, 2020.
  • $99 – 4 hours of Contributing Medical Education (CME) credits
  • $49 – for those not seeking CME.
  • If you would like to enroll in the Pre-Conference Course separately, the price is $129 (4 hours CME) and $79 (non-CME).


Olle Johansson, PhD Neuroscientist & Global Authority on Radiation and Health, formerly with the Karolinska Institute, spoke at the 2019 EMF Medical Conference. See clip of Professor Johansson’s  lecture from the 2019 EMF Conference:

Erica Mallery-Blythe MD will be speaking on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Diagnosis, Management and Prognosis at the
EMF Medical Conference 2021. See clip of Dr. Mallery-Blythe’s lecture from the 2019 EMF Conference:

Gunnar Heuser MD, PhD will be speaking on Functional Brain Scans of Patients Exposed to Neurotoxic Chemicals and/or EMF at the EMF Medical Conference 2021.See clip of Dr. Heuser’s lecture from the 2019 EMF Conference: