Updated: Los Angeles firefighters stop cell towers!

LA County firefighters called for support in stopping 86 cell towers on fire stations.   County supervisors voted to suspend the construction at the hearing on Tuesday.

Firefighters used social media, radio and video to get their message out to the community. This radio ad ran for three days:

“This is fire captain Lew Currier. Los Angeles County is installing cell towers on 86 fire stations near you. The radiation generated by these seven story eye sores can cause debilitating health effects. Studies suggest nearby families could get sick too, yet the board of supervisors is erecting these toxic towers without public hearings or required studies. This time, be there for us, your firefighters. Call the Board of Supervisors at 213-974-1411. Tell them to stop the cell towers, NOW. This message is brought to you by Los Angeles County firefighters local 1014.”

Los Angeles County firefighters are in immediate danger of having their fire stations used as cell tower sites.  You can help them by calling, and attending the hearing which will be held on Tuesday, March 24; 9:30 am at the LA County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 500 West Temple Street, Los Angeles.


3/24/2015: UPDATE: County suspends decision to construct the towers! Congratulations local 1014!
