Yesterday we mailed 541 joint letters to Congress members. The letter is signed by dozens of health, environment and justice advocates and organizations asking them to oppose the many federal bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion. It is packed with peer-reviewed science references and solid reasons to oppose.
Please contact your own US Senators and Representative to let them know you support the letter. This is really important because they place more value on hearing from their constituents.
It is easy to contact them via their websites. Below is a sample email, which you can edit, copy and paste into their website contact page. If you’d prefer you can mail, or fax them the letter.
Find your US Senators here:
Find Your US Representative here:
Subject line: Joint Letter to Congress, oppose 5G and wireless radiation expansion
Honorable [Representative or Senator] [name]
I support this joint letter to Congress requesting you oppose the many pending federal bills related to the expansion of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (wireless radiation or RFR) and 5G millimeter wave technology including but not limited to: S.1988 SPEED Act, S.19 Mobile Now Act, S.1682 Airwaves Act, S-88 DIGIT Act, H.Res.521, and S.Res.242.
This letter was mailed to all Congress members on November 14, 2017. The letter provides peer-reviewed science references and solid reasons to oppose 5G and wireless expansion. You can find it online at
Peer-reviewed published science shows wireless radiation harms public health and nature. Health effects include: fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, anxiety, ringing in the ears, heart problems, learning and memory disorders, increased cancer risk, and more. Children, the ill, and the elderly are more vulnerable. International independent scientists are calling for biologically-based public exposure standards and reducing wireless radiation.
Communications are safer using wired and corded connections. It is in the best public and environmental interest to avoid unnecessary wireless radiation exposures.
Please oppose any and all bills related to 5G and wireless radiation expansion.
Thank you for your consideration,
Warm regards from your constituent,
[your name]
Hello EMF Safety Group-
I have just learned that the city of Manhattan Beach, where I live, has been installing 5G small cell towers. I have emailed a group of friends to make them aware, and have emailed our mayor (and gotten a response), and am working on writing others. Is there a group like yours in Southern California that you know of? This is something I want to stay on top of, and hopefully change. It is disgusting that the Federal government can just come in and install these devices that seem unnecessary at the least, and extremely harmful at the worst. Thankful for groups like yours for all of the information you put out. I will use your template to email members of congress.
I whole heartedly support this movement. I would like to see the original letter you composed and referred to at the beginning of this post. So much time has lapsed. Dramatic action needs to be taken.
Is anyone aware of any injunctions or direct class action cases that have been filed on behalf of the citizens of the U.S? that have been filled anywhere? Thank you
I live in Staten Island
A few was ago after spending $35,000 to update my home if 35 yrs
Several trucks came by the day before my contractors put finishing touch on My house and started banging away I asked what are you doing and response was oh don’t worry just installing transmitter n antenna on ur pole it’s safe
I want it removed as it’s the 2 nd installed within feet of my home
I’m have A great deal of anxiety in getting help
I reached out to all the politicians in my district same answer it’s gonna be hard to do
What should I do we weren’t even notified about this before it was installed
I’ve been posting on fb trying to get the message out to the public who I believe is oblivious to what’s going on
We need help on the island of Staten Island
We have enough cancer and related illness’s on our block of 8 homes
And now with two transmitters and antennas this is unacceptable
See if Kelly: is still active against EMF in MO.
I live in rural mo., and I do not want this , near my rural, home or nothing, we already have another satellite up, since feb., , probably more we cannot see, anyway, , branson mo., is getting these mini 5g towers soon, , even though mo., didn’t pass any new legislation, so how can we know in advance, and we will contact our non representatives, but , we are workin class folks against, this, , can we get connected with other people in our state, , whewre we can all,petion, and everything, , those bastards, will put them in the rural too, , , even if you cancel your internet, this has to be stopped, , don’t let us get forced again, like the wireless elec. meters, also, in rural mo., we will never get , fiber optic, broadband, which is much safer, but the jerks , wont do it for rural, , I don’t have wireless modem now either, , , holding out, please we need to get word out, for evry town, city, rural in usa., this 2019,
I know all too well what these things can do I became severely electrically sensitive about eight years ago to the point twire I lived 4 years without any electricity, Wi-Fi, cell phones, etc etc. Even though now by the grace of God I can being electricity, drive my car, be on my cell phone but do not leave it on at all times, I have discovered since April 2018 when Smart Meters were put in our neighborhood, which I opted out, did I am severely sensitive to them also and now all over my city the small antennas are up. I feel like I need to get my story out there but I really don’t know to whom and how it should be done.
I oppose 5G towers across the USA!!!
supporting have emailed congress and senators. Thank you I also oppose 5G!
As a occupational safety professional, I understand the science behind frequencies and non-ionizing radiation. The emissions of the mini towers would be far more impacting on all living organisms. The research is out in the public domain look for yourself. You, your children, pollinating animals can and will be effected.
I support this letter and oppose furthering and 5 g or gen 5
Thanks for posting this information…… I will be supporting this important letter for holding Congress accountable for protecting our population from 5G & Radiation by sharing this link with family friends luv ones and also people of the public…… Our Health and Future of all of humanity and our children matter……. I am Absolutely an supporter of the urgency emergency of this cause…….
Thanks for posting this information…… I will be supporting this important letter for holding Congress accountable for protecting our population from 5G & Radiation by sharing this link with family friends luv ones and also people of the public…… Our Health and Future of all of humanity and our children matter……. I am Absolutely an supporter of the urgency emergency of this cause…….