Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) will host a workshop about the specific concerns and issues related to their Smart Meters, including: health, safety, privacy and billing accuracy.
This is in stark contrast to last year when SMUD directors were caught on tape implementing a smart meter opt-out program that was intentionally designed to intimidate and discourage customers from opting opt. They made fun of people who didn’t want Smart Meters on their property. One director said, “The $166 upfront will convince them they can really afford a lot of tin foil hats” …Another director said, “But they are already wearing them!”
Now SMUD is offering a dialog with staff, outside experts and the Board of Directors themselves. The workshop will be on:
Thursday February 21, 2013 at 6pm.
Location is 6201 S street, Sacramento Ca.
The old SMUD HQ building, first floor.
Eric Windheim, an environmental health educator in Sacramento, encourages SMUD customers-owners to attend this workshop, to write/bring letters, and to speak to the board. He says, “It’s critical for the Board of Directors to hear directly from customers opposed to Smart Meters.” Eric and others have spent nine months speaking at SMUD meetings calling on the directors to be accountable. Here is an example of testimony at SMUD meeting of a Smart Meter victim. SMBleeding – YouTube
Eric is organizing speakers for this workshop. He can be reached at 916-395-7336
This is a public health & safety issue. I recently sent notice of this Workshop event to the Sacramento City Council after speaking before them. Please send a link to this exact page to all people in positions of influence in the greater Sacramento area
Eric Windheim 916-395-7336