California Public Utilities Commission
Thursday, December 18
8:30 AM
505 Van Ness Ave. (at McAllister), San Francisco
Give CPUC President Michael Peevey the send-off into retirement that he deserves after a dozen years of corruption and complicity with corporate utilities.
Protest the CPUC’s proposed decisions in the ‘smart’ meter opt out proceedings. Show strength in unity against their proposals that:
- Ignore serious public safety hazards including toxic injuries, fires, homelessness, violations of privacy, higher bills, loss of meter readers, and no promised energy savings.
- Continue to impose coercive extortion opt out fees
- Violate laws, and deny customer and disability rights
- Prohibit opt-outs for communities, apartment buildings, and businesses
- Reward utility companies with millions $$$ more for smart grid failings
Join in demanding that the CPUC:
• Reject the proposed decisions
• Rescind and refund ‘opt out’ extortion fees
• Halt the ‘smart’ meter program
Bring any other past or present grievances against the CPUC (toxic dumping, nuclear plants, gas line explosions, accessibility, public power, etc.)
Join in demanding:
• Criminal prosecution of CPUC President Peevey and others, and shut down of the aging and hazardous Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant!
We will be raising our demands both outside before the meeting, as well as inside. Please come prepared to make some noise and be seen.Wear black if you can. Rain or shine.
For more information about the proposed decisions, go to these links:
ALJ Amy Yip-Kikugawa’s Proposed Decision
President Michael Peevey’s Alternate Proposed Decision
The proposed decisions will (as summarized by the EMF Safety Network):
- Give 37 million dollars to the Investor Owned Utilities (PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, and So Cal Gas) for providing the opt-out program.
- Adopt permanent fees for residential customers who “do not wish to have a wireless smart meter.”
- Continue the same interim fees of $75 initial fee plus $10/month, and $10 initial fee plus $5/month for low income.
- Local governments and multi-unit dwellings may not collectively opt out of smart meter installations.
- Charging an opt-out fee does not violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- They will not address health and safety impacts in this decision.
- Assess fees on a per location basis, for example if you have two or more meters on your property, that will be one fee, per utility company.
- If you have two utilities, they can both charge you fees.
- President Peevey proposes putting a cap on the opt-out fees at 3 years.
- Neither proposal considers a no-fee option.

Endorsed by:
Alameda County Residents Concerned About “Smart” Meters
California Brain Tumor Association
Center for Electrosmog Prevention
Ecological Options Network
EMF Analysis
EMF Safety Coalition
EMF Safety Network
No Nukes Action
Peoples Initiative Foundation
Smart Meter Health Alert
Stop OC Smart Meters
Smart Meter Harm
Stop Smart Grid
Stop Smart Meters!
Stop Smart Meters Irvine
United Public Workers for Action
Wireless Radiation Alert Network
(For more information, or if your organization would like to endorse this, please contact

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