Please note, this page was created in 2009! Many links to documents are now unavailable, but a few are still good. For missing links you can search for the name of the document or try using the way back machine. updated 6/5/2021
The following is a compilation of what government, public health and environment organizations and officials, independent scientists, online health advocacy groups and activists are advocating around the world in response to the proliferation of electromagnetic fields, and especially 2.4 GHZ microwave radiation.
International Resolutions Advocating a Precautionary Approach to the Use and Expansion of Wireless Technologies:
Salzburg Austria Resolution 2000:
Benevento Italy Resolution 2006
London Resolution 2007:
Venice Italy Resolution 2008
Porto Alegre Resolution 2009:
European Environmental Agency advises the precautionary principle for wi-fi:
German Government advises against wi-fi:
France National Library and several other Paris libraries are wi-fi-free
(USA) Progressive Librarians Guild urges the precautionary principle for wi-fi in libraries June 2008
UK: The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) with 160,000 members has called for a government investigation into the biological and thermal effects of “wi-fi” networks
France: Paris City Council launched a study on wi-fi June 2008 (in french)
Penang Malaysia to study health effects of Wi-Fi. October 2008
England: Health Protection Agency launches study on health effects of wi-fi Oct 2007:
Austria medical association pressing for a ban on wi-fi in schools
USA: Sebastopol CA. City Council chooses the precautionary principle and terminates contract for free city wide Wi-Fi:
Canada: July 2008 City Council of Thorold rescinds city wide wi-fi contract:
European Parliament Sept 2008 voted 522 to 16 to adopt text: “is greatly concerned at the Bio-Initiative international report concerning EMFs, which summarises over 1500 studies on that topic and which points in its conclusions to the health risks posed by emissions from mobile-telephony devices such as mobile telephones, UMTS, WiFi, WiMax and Bluetooth, and also DECT landline ” “”The limits on exposure to electromagnetic fields [EMFs] which have been set for the general public are obsolete.”
England: Teachers union call to suspend WiFi in schools:
Ireland: Jan 2008 The City of Dublin Ireland did not install wi-fi due to a EU law:
Wi-fi code for Welch Schools
Hospital Techies urge limits on ‘white space’ Wi-Fi.
Spain: Ecologists in Action statement on WiFi:
Dr. Magda Havas open letter to schools and teachers on Wi-Fi health risks:
Austrian health director Dr. Gerd Oberfeld advising against wi-fi
(USA) Dr. Mercola wireless warning:
The Gathering Brainstorm:
Dr. Jeff Fawcett: WiFi Blues:
Wi-Fi in Schools UK
Other EMF and RF Actions and Concerns
Bioinitiative Report:
Bioinitiative Report video with co-author Cindy Sage
Lichtenstein adopts Bioinitiative RF safety standard .6 volts per meter:
Brussels determines new EMR safety standard of 3 volts per meter
2009: The European Parliament passed the EMF Resolution calling for caution on the use and expansion of electromagnetic fields, particularly radiofrequency exposure from wireless technologies. The resolution was endorsed by an overwhelming margin of 559 members in favor, 22 opposed, and 8 abstaining. The EP calls on member states to follow the example of Sweden to recognize ES as a disability and grant adequate protection as well as equal opportunities.
2009: Breast Cancer Fund: Policy and Research Recommendations: Reduce Exposure to Radiation
(USA) NIEHS and NIOSH classifies EMF’s as a hazardous substance. NIEHS advocates prudent avoidance of EMF’s.
Prudent avoidance has been adopted in Australia, Sweden, and several U.S. states, including California, Colorado, Hawaii, New York, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin.
California EMF program 7 million dollar gov’t mandated study. up to 95% certainty leukemia caused by EMF’s. Up to 80% certainty brain cancer related to EMF’s. Advocate prudent avoidance of EMF’s.
Chinese breakthrough study how EMFs promote childhood leukemia.
European Union adopts ALDE report adivsing the precautionary principle for EMF’s[tt_news]=9559&cHash=2fec11e0cc
USA, NJ. Sussex County school to close due to unsafe power lines near playground:
(USA) Dr. Robert Becker:
(NZ) Dr. Neil Cherry:
(USA) Dr. Louis Slesin:
(Canada) Dr. Magda www.magdahavas.or
Dr. Martin Blank video:
Electrical Sensitivity
Germany 2002: Freiberger Appeal signed by 30,000 doctors
2005 Ireland IDEA Irish doctors concern over EMR health effects
Switzerland: Dr. Rau Paracelsus Health Clinic : treats 10,000 people annually. They assess health in light of EMF exposure. Although health issues are multi factorial, his assessment is EMFs are a hidden factor in many illnesses:
US Access Board: Report on Indoor Environmental Quality Released:
Dr. Christine Aschermann: Observations from a Psychotherapy Practice on Mobile Telecommunications and DECT Telephones
Nordic Council of Ministers: The Nordic Adaptation of Classification of Occupationally Related Disorders (Diseases and Symptoms) to ICD-10 ed. by F Levy and A Wannag. 2000. Lists Electromagnetic intolerance as an occupational disorder.
France Eco village white zone for EHS recovery
Sweden: FEB Electrosensitivity:
USA: Connecticut and Colorado Governors and Mayor of Broward County declare Proclamations: MAY 2009 Electromagnetic Sensitivity Awareness Month:
The City of Colwood, BC Canada has declared August 2009 Electromagnetic Sensitivity Awareness month:
The Mayor of Norris Arm, Newfoundland proclaimed October 2009 ‘”Electromagnetic Hypersenstiivity Awareness Month’.
Netherlands Electrohypersensitivity Questionaire Survey Results:
Dutch EHS Foundation:
China internet addiction youth
South Korea govt study” internet addiction/ Millions of youth at risk.
Spain: children treated for cell phone addiction:
Canadian Human Rights commission: policy on environmental sensitivities
Cell Towers/ Antennaes
2009: France: Versaille Court decision requiring a French telecom company to dismantle an existing cell tower in a residential are
2009 Botswana Africa: A controversial cell phone tower erected on the royal Phuthadikobo Hill has been destroyed by the villagers.
Botswana Africa: Bakgatla, BTA, radiation and public safety
UK EM Radiation Research Trustee Eileen O’Connor Report on base stations:
2009 USA CA. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed a local government’s authority to deny antennas in public rights-of-way for aesthetic reasons. The case is Sprint PCS Assets, L.L.C. v. City of Palos Verdes Estates
2009 Hunnington Beach California: City leaders vote to move controversial cell phone tower:
International Association of Firefighters moratorium of cell tower siting on Fire stations
Australian Democrats “Demand crackdown on mobile phone towers”
The American Bird Conservancy, Forest Conservation Council and Friends of the Earth brought a lawsuit against the FCC and the Federal Court Ordered Cell Tower Safeguards for Migrating Birds
Israel bans antennaes on residences:
Taiwan removes 1500 cell towers near schools:
Ukiah CA. rejects cell tower:
USA: Two radio towers in Washington State toppled
Oregon, USA city school board unplugs cell towers:
New Zealand citizens video appeal to Government (opposing cell towers)
Los Angeles unified school district policy restricts cell sites on LA USD property and requires new schools to avoid siting near cell sites
2009 Los Angeles Unified School District adopted a resolution that includes a statement in favor of repealing the Telecommunication Act of 1996’s preemption of consideration of health and environmental effects of wireless facilities.
Cyprus: House Health Committee demands action to protect the public from mobile phone masts.
USA: CA: The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a 3-Judgepanel’s earlier decision and ruled that a wireless siting ordinance enacted by San Diego County is not preempted by the Telecommunications Act of 1996: Link to the decision:$file/0556076.pdf?openelement
2002 letter from the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) stating the the FCC’s standards are “thermally based, and do not apply to chronic, non-thermal exposure situations”:
Overloading of Towns and Cities with Radio Transmitters (Cellular Transmitter): a hazard for the human health and a disturbance of eco-ethics by Karl Hecht, Elena N. Savoley
Institute for Inquiry: Wireless questions
The Ecologist: Mobile Phones Could lead to bee decline:
India Study: Mobile phone towers and cell phones can pose a threat to honey bees, a study published in India has concluded.
Bees, Birds and Mankind: Destroying Nature by Electrosmog by Dr. Ulrich Warnke
Mt. Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center: Health effects from cell tower radiation:
Organic Consumers Association:
Cell Phones
The Canadian Public Health Officer, David Butler-Jones, advised Canadians to limit their and their children’s use of cell phones until science resolves uncertainties about long term health effects.
June 2008: France 20 top scientists warn about cell phones and brain cancer
July 2008 Study: Prenatal Cell Phone Exposure Tied to Children’s Behavior
England:2000, the UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones chaired by Sir William Stewart, reports that “a precautionary approach be adopted until more robust scientific information becomes available.”
UK Health protection advises children under 16 to limit their use of mobile phone.
Russian National Committee on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection advises against cell phones for 18 years and under
India: limit cell phone use for youth under 16
Israel: Health Ministry calls for parents to limits kids cell phone use:
India: ban on children and pregnant women in TV ads for cell phones
2004, the European Union’s EMF REFLEX Research Project is released, showing that mobile phone radiation (radiofrequency radiation) damages DNA in human cells.
Madhya Pradesh, India: Bans cell phones in schools:
Australia: Cell phone warning
French Ministry of Health cell phone warning
Canada, Toronto Public Health is advising children and teens to limit the time they spend on cellphones until more is known about potential health effects. Toronto Star, Ontario.
USA: July 2008 University of Pittsburg’s Cancer Intistute Dr. Ron Herberman’s memo to staff / Cell phone warning:
USA September 2008 Rep. Dennis Kucinich holds Congressional Hearing on Cell Phone Health Effects
September 2008 Economist commentary on the Interphone Study ” Mobile Madness”:
The Belgian Foundation against Cancer issued a warning
concerning mobile phone use :
Finland: The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has recommended restricting the use of mobile phones by children:
2009 National Safety Council calls for a nationwide ban on cell phones while driving
World Health Organization Interphone study Results Update
Lyon France advertising campaign against cell phones for kids under 12
USA Boston: Cell phone Ban After Boston Trolley Crash
Mobile phones to be banned in French primary schools to limit health risks:
How Susceptible are Genes to Mobile Phone Radiation? by Prof. Franz Adlkofer, Prof. Igor Y. Belyaev, Vladislav M. Shiroff, and Dr. Karl Richter
Mobile phone use ‘raises children’s risk of brain cancer five fold’ cancer-fivefold-937005.html
(England) The truth about Mobile Phones and WiFi Dr Andrew Goldsworthy 2007: Truth About Mobile Phones and Wi-Fi.pdf
Dr. Vini Kharuna Brain Surgeon: “Mobile Phones and Brain Tumours- A Public Health Concern”
“Cell Phones and Brain Tumors”15 reasons for concern
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) who works to protect children and kids from toxic chemicals in our food, water, air, and the products we use every day, released a 40 page report titled: “Cell Phone Radiation-Science Review on Cancer Risks and Children’s Health”
I read about EMF on cell towers and everything but on largest lat projects. Is there any study’s in any country that
Deal with health effects on Large solar projects.
The county I live in plan to put a solar project with 1.8 million panels on it. Within 100′ from y home! The developer and panel company said no effects but there is money being made here!The United States has the lowest
Standards of any country.
Can you Please Help
Thank You
email me emfsafe at
I worked with the woman who started and ran your organization many years ago but I have forgotten her name. Is she still there? I publish an environmental newspaper and she helped me with some articles about EMFs long ago. Today I’m starting to work on a story for a newspaper where I work part-time and it’s about a high-voltage power line coming through the county. Is there someone in particular I can speak with if and when I have questions or want to use you as a resource for the citizens who are fighting against this project?
This is an artcile from my website. Please use.
St Mary’s Cathedral in Great Western Road, Glasgow is 30 metres from my bedroom. It contains two secret mobile phone transmitter masts. Hardly anyone knows they are there. They are hidden within the Cathedral building. All you can see in the highest windows is some panels that are the same colour as their surroundings.
Last year, I received a Neighbour Notification Notice from Glasgow City Council’s Development and Regeneration Services Dept. It mentioned some proposed work at the local Cathedral, St Mary’s, 300 Great Western Rd, Glasgow. I have always promised myself that because of the dangers from mobile phone masts-which I do believe are true-I would never stay nearer than half a mile minimum from a mobile phone transmitter mast. I phoned the Cathedral and was told that we already have two Mobile phone transmitter masts built into the steeple. I was too shocked to continue talking and hung up. They emit UMTS pulsed radiation-that is the most dangerous type. No one can see these masts. They are secret and that is what the phone companies want. If people could see these masts they would protest but they are hidden away. A website shows you how to find out where masts are in your area: It is a human rights issue that I do believe is being ignored.
A useful site about the dangers is:
I have spoken to my neighbours and some expressed doubts that a Cathedral would do such a thing to its neighbours. However, I assured them that they (the Cathedral) would get well paid by the mobile phone companies. I live thirty metres away from the two masts.
I have emailed my Green Party councillor and my Green Party MSP about the masts next to me but no reply from either. Friends of the Earth say on their website that they are not campaigning on this issue at a National level. I am a Science Technician who has done serious research into science matters and into Scottish History. And I have a deep interest in the philosophy of scientific research.
The majority of mobile phone and mobile phone mast studies have shown no danger from either. However, scientific research is not like a democracy having a vote i.e. the majority does not win out over the minority. Let me explain, if a Scientist wants to prove something -he does experiment after experiment. Yet she can only say that: under those conditions and during that time period certain results were obtained. It is almost impossible to prove something. But, it only takes one properly set out study to disprove something. If you have one experiment or study that shows the dangers of mobile phone hand sets and mast radiation, then you have shown it is not safe. You only need one instance were the rules don’t apply to disprove the rule. This is why when mobile phones first came out, many Scientists asked for the burden of prove to lie with those trying to show that mobile phone radiation was safe. This doesn’t seem to have been done.
So, why do so many studies show no danger? Well, some are funded by the mobile phone companies and I would rather have an impartial sponsor. I would argue that the Government makes many billions of pounds from mobile phone companies and does not want to actively oppose a source of great wealth.
Some studies seem to look in the wrong direction and look for effects that are unlikely e.g. the actual heating of human bodies near a mast.
Technology changes and the new pulsed radiation that is used by some phones is particularly dangerous. Many studies have shown dangers e.g. loss of concentration, sleeplessness, headaches etc.
New mobile phone technology is still coming out and has not been subject to proper epidemiological testing. Many effects could take generations to show. So how can a technology that is only nine years old be studied through generations of the human population? It cannot.
A few decades ago, everyone said smoking was safe. And once, everyone said that lead in petrol was safe. It took years of contradictory evidence to convince, Governments and businesses – and the Scientists who received funding from these bodies – that they were wrong. Asbestos, C.F.C’s, D.D.T. Global Warning… The list goes on. Everyone who opposes this view is called a scaremonger.
Also, some individuals are especially sensitive to certain types of radiation or pollutant. Indeed some people can have their sensitivity increased merely by repeated exposure to a particular pollutant or to (it has now been discovered) electromagnetic radiation.
Individuals in a community often face this misuse of science by company scientists who try to say, “This is safe because the balance of evidence is that it is safe.” When they should be erring on the side of safety. In some cases it seems that safety of the community comes a poor second to company profits.
The truth (e.g. a scientific truth) is not a moral creature. It does not argue its case. Anyone can use the truth to try to validate their own ideas.
Masts emit radiation 24 hours a day. There may be up to ten emitters in an array.
The Public have a quite correct instinctive fear of these mobile phone masts. No one wants to live near them. House prices plummet. People suffer from stress. Yet you are not allowed to oppose a planning application that relates to mobile phones on health grounds!
Churches are increasingly being used by mobile phone companies. The Churches do not see being a business as contradictory with their religious remit. The masts are hidden in Church spires and are quite secret.
To my knowledge, no one has ever applied for planning permission for the St Mary’s Cathedral transmitters to be installed. And I have stayed there for ten years. In May or June 2015 there was work carried out at the steeple. I presume this was the installation of the Telecommunications cabinet that St Mary’s Cathedral had applied for planning permission for. However, I presume it must have been some kind of a booster as the signal has increased dramatically since then.
Because of the new technology, transmitters are needed –by the mobile phone companies not me-every 1,000m. I have noticed new transmitters going up in my area.
The two transmitters emit an enormous amount of energy. They emit 31 dBW and 35 dBW. 31 dBW is 1,259 watts!
Some people argue that transmitters are safe because of the Inverse Square Law. One can argue the opposite. A mobile phone mast aims to send its signal for at least one thousand metres. It intends that signal to be full strength (otherwise you would not have adequate coverage). Because the signal goes out in all three dimensions each halving of the distance between the mast and the person’s home will see a fourfold increase in signal. So at 500m the signal will be four times what is required for full strength at 1,000m. At 250m it will be sixteen times that strength. If you stay 125m from the Mast it will be 64 times that strength. So you can see that the dangers that I believe are there at 1,000m have become 64 times as strong at 125m from the mast. I stay 30m from it. Some neighbours stay 10m from the masts.
As regards protest, there are a number of small groups-some highly localised-who work hard but are often web based. I know of no National Group that organises demos against mast based transmitters.
BBC Website Some scientific evidence suggests potentially serious adverse health effects on people exposed to the electromagnetic-microwave radiation generated by masts. These include links with child leukaemia and other cancers. Official government bodies deny there is any useful evidence to suggest a link between mobile phones or transmitters, and human health problems. But Mr Willis believes there is a “huge smokescreen” about the alleged health risks of transmitters. He told BBC News Online: “It appears to me there is a huge bias in favour of the industry and scant regard given to the possibility of a health risk. “I fully accept there is no conclusive proof either way, but a lot of scientific data suggests there is a case to answer.”
Email in support from a Campaigning Group: 8th July 2014.
Good luck with the campaign and remember that these frequencies have been officially classified as “possibly causing cancer” by WHO and this includes radiation from masts. I would alert the church to this fact and find out when the contract is due to end and give them the opportunity to terminate it.
Best wishes
Eileen O’Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust
The EM Radiation Research Trust is an Educational Charity