Manager comes unglued at protest of electricity disconnect

Request for fair treatment ignored

A small rural electric utility in Northern California, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC), has disconnected power to Stop Smart Meters Director Josh Hart and his partner Heidi for refusing to pay fees to keep an analog meter. Within this cooperative other customers are allowed to self read their analog meters, at no additional cost. Because Josh and Heidi refused a smart meter, they are forced to pay more, $300 a year more. They were not given the option to self read their meter.

Josh and Heidi moved to Plumas County to live in a safer environment. They live in an all electric house, and they have been without electricity since February 19, when PSREC cut the power to their home.  In the following video Heidi tells the “cooperative” why she believes the disconnect is unfair and illegal, and how she feels scared, bullied and shocked about how they are being treated.

PSREC general manager Bob Marshall comes unglued as he responds to Heidi’s comments and having the public meeting filmed.  He demands Josh stop filming and threatens to call the sheriff.  Marshall then responds to Heidi’s request for fair treatment saying,“We disagree strongly with everything you said”.  Then he turned the blame on her saying, “we disagree with your bullying…”

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One thought on “Manager comes unglued at protest of electricity disconnect”

  1. With well-paid frontline mismanagement like this, who needs sabotage?
    Bozo barked Smartly: “We have to figure out how to fairly allocate the costs.”
    Who figured out the $50 million debt for going on a drunken shopping spree to acquire useless, overpriced, dangerous equipment?
    How much fairness and cooperation was involved in making that uninformed, financially disastrous decision?
    De facto PSREC policy: We rack ’em up, you pay ’em up. Works for somebody, even if they don’t live here.

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